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Magick Keepers - Ultimate RPG for SERIOUS Gamers

From the shadows of mist a circle was formed. Within the circle held all magick that was good. Mankind settled here and found that their offspring carried each a powerful gift once they were born. The people became terrified of these children and abandoned all the settlement. For centuries the location and history were forgotten, and the location and history became non-existent to all knowledge and books.

Until mankind explored the unknown. Fallen by spell and contract, selected few have been forcefully returned to save a world that their ancestors had left to them. The keepers of Light. The keepers of Dreams. The keepers of Animals. The keepers of Hell and The keepers of Souls and Life. These chosen few must nurture and care for the history and knowledge to pass on the Magick.

Magick Keeper Coven and Circles

Join and Rules
Light Circle - Circle of Purity
Dark Circle - Circle of Purity