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the story

As a lot of you may know, this year it is our goal to make the legendary Terri have a Merry Christmas. Legends have been told about how much she hates Christmas and biscotti, so this site has been created to inform the uninformed. Teach the unteached. Myself, along with the entire Mikey T Posse, has decided to document this holiday month where we will attempt to make Terri, and other random people of the Chautauqua County region, have a Merry Christmas. Our main plan is to go posse caroling with a gigantic amount of people so we can visit Terri and others on Christmas Eve Eve and try to sing songs of Christmas and Janet Jackson into there hearts. Afterwards, we will come back to the Madplex and hopefully celebrate in the joy we brought to them. Hopefully no one will "...HATE CHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRISTMAS!" after we are done spreading out our HAPPINESS! THIS, is our story...

posted on december 11th, 2006

Ok, here's the update. I have a crapload of projects and finals and stuff to worry about this coming week so the updates on the site are going to come slow. I got some pictures from the last posse adventure and I'll put them up as soon as I can. Also, CHANGES to plans will have to be made, so stay tuned for more info. PCE!

posted on december 3rd, 2006

Lazy sunday. Today was very boring but it also led to having a lot of time. So with that time I made a couple of sections for the site. I added a posse page with pictures of people in the posse. It's not completly finished yet cause there are so many people in the posse and I don't have all their pics. I also put up a picture page where you can see some pics and fun stuff like that! Then lastly I made a guestbook so you can voice what you think about anything! WEEEEE, such a grand event!

posted on december 2nd, 2006

Last night marked a grand event which was the unveiling of the posse xmas tree at the Madplex. We attempted to sort out all the cords and everything, and some succeded, while others failed. Macaroni and cheese was created with holiday cheer and we watch Smackdown. Batista kicked the piss out of Finlay and King Booker. It was a festive event indeed. The sabres also won in a shootout so Christmas is already starting to bring joy into our hearts, but we still need to carol to bring that joy into others. WE CAN NOT GET RID OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!

posted on december 1st, 2006

Today is the opening of this site so everybody flip out! This site is still going to be under construction for a while but it will be done really soon and definetly by the end of this weekend.

Tonight some of the posse is meeting up at the Madplex to put up the posse christmas tree. We also will probably play a lot of Raw vs. Smackdown and watch Sabres hockey to get ourselves into the holiday mood. JOY! Updates of the festivities will be posted tommorow so try and contain yourselves until then because I know it will be rough. Until then, PCE!