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Dave Marr: Recovery from Firm ALS Diagnosis

I was dx'd definite ALS 3/00 and tested positive for Lyme on ELISA and Western Blot 2/01.

On 4/18/01 I began an aggressive therapy for Lyme.

I started a six week course of IV Rocephin followed with oral Flagyl 500 mg tid and oral doxycycline 100 mg bid. My ALS symptoms started to deminish at day four of IV Rocephin with spasticity, cramping and virtigo disappearing. Within another three days clonus in ankles and jaw became almost non-existant as well as speech problems and swallowing difficulties.

Prior to IV Rocephin the spasticity and cramping kept me on my butt. My diaphragm would cramp violently if I sneezed. I also fell a lot prior to IV and managed face plants most of the time. I have not fallen once since abx. I alos changed the oil and filter in my two cars and hand washed them.

During the six weeks of IV Rocephin my ALS symptoms were mostly gone.

I was left with the muscle wasting that had occurred since onset.

There has been no new wasting as far as I can tell.

Being a smart-ass, I felt there was no need to combine oral flagyl and doxycycline, so I laid off the doxy and started with only the flagyl. Within four days of just oral flagyl my symptoms all returned, spasticity, cramping and clonus. I started doxy and within 24 hours those symptoms started to disappear.

It is now three months since the start of abx. I have no spasticity, cramping or clonus. My reflexes fall within normal range, they had become quite hyper. My FVC went from 68% prior to abx to 88% now. I have minor foot-drop in the left ankle and the right has none. Prior to abx I had AFO's for both feet as dorsaflexion was gone. My leg strength is increasing as I am now able to walk two miles/day and continue to shave time from the miles. I could not walk one mile prior to abx.

Basically, what I am left with is a pure lower motoneuron syndrome that has left me with atrophy. My left hand, arm, both shoulders, my neck and left leg have significant loss of muscle. My right leg has rebounded the best as it was not too affected. My right hand and arm are affected but they are also rebounding nicely.

Take care

Dave Marr