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The Lyme Disease Memorial Page


Lyme disease is a spirochetal bacteria

like its more famous cousin, Syphilis.

"... there was the danger of syphilis,

and of a hideous death,

and of never knowing you had it until

you suddenly began to have grotesque symptoms."

-Gore Vidal

People Who Have Died of Lyme Disease

Betty Jo Hemphill, 52
Betty Jo Loubier, 45
Gail V. Fichtl Walling, 49
P. Kevin Missett , 52
& Elizabeth Graham Missett, 58
Vickie Crawford, 55
Nina Bonderman Tarnofsky, 80
Balsorah Lamar Savely Miller, 64
Kimberly Ann Cooper, 37
Kathleen E. Schuyler, 52
Harry Hartner, 62
Vincent Sota, 47
Vincent Paletta, 61
Robert J. DiBattisto, 64
Robert J. Hoffman, 48
Jim Sazani, 59
Ginette Ellen Jones, 39
Barry Gordon, 52
Debbie Selberg, 52
David A. Butler, 73

People Who Have Died of Lyme Disease

Stacy Lynn Grow, 28
Marion A. Hastings, 68
Eleanor J. Kuhar, 81
Leslie Clifford Kiggins, 77
John N. Gamble
Benjamin O. Carter, 68
Michael G. Schulte, 69
Robert J. Thompson, 49
Stephen A. Herring, 42
Rebecca Rose Boone-Britt, 55
Rebecca Marie Jarrell Nichols, 50
Harry Phillips Sullins, 73
Thomas B. Brown, 83
Logan Kock
Frances X. Bender, 56
Imogene R. Schultz *
Bill Chinnock, 59
Teresa McGilley Redlingshafer, 72
Duane H. Johnson, 65
James Paine Koch
Eric von Schmidt, 75
Shirley E. Wolfenden, 75
Maggie McCorkle

People Who Have Died of Lyme Disease

Priscilla Moulton Shafer, 73
Judith Ross Boynton, 54
Deborah O'Connor DeMarco, 40
Raymond J. Krueger, 79
Holly Kulikoski
Richard M. Scott, 86
Donald J. Simpson
Germaine''Gigi'' Chamberlain
Christine M. Rizzo
Joseph Gregory Padner, 48
Lonnie Benedict, 45
Patricia F. Gerstner, 56
Frances L. Jacob, 75
Robert M. Silver
Michael John Fried, 65
Anna Gorbsky Hladchuk
Leonard J. Spooner
Paul Butler *
Samuel Butler *
Jane May Chapman, 45
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