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More Fun Than Leprosy--Faithy's Info--

Hey You, Hey You, Devil's Little Sister

Name:: FAITH


::Embry Aredith

::Grim Kol


:: Lydia Elise

::Mallorie Cormier

::Mimi Schwartz



::Nico Minoru


I'm a seinor in Highschoo, soon to graduate, um...I do art lots and lots of art and photography, FEAR ME...

Faith in the morning..AHH
I have nothing to say to that
Mexican Love..I look stupid
NOT ME...I Took this
Random Crap

If i was a serial killer i would be Jeffrey Dahmer.

The psycho killer of the 90's, Jeffery dahmer abducted, drugged, sodomized, tortured, murdered and devoured his young male victims one at a time. After receiving calls of a rancid stench emanating from dahmers apartment, investigators found the decomposing remains of over 12 young men.

Dahmer would drug his victims, then proceed to drill a hole in their head, inserting acid into the brain, keeping the body alive but killing all other functions. he called them his "sex zombies". After the body would die, he would then proceed to mutilate and pose the body, taking pictures, and cooking and eating what was left over.

Kill count: 12-13
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