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Welcome and Merry Meet

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Hello and Merry Meet, First I want to thank you for visiting my page, and would like to thank those responsible for getting me started. I want this site to be as eclectic as possible. All Magickal paths welcome. Also if you host an informational site pertaining to wicca or paganism feel free to email me and I will review the site and if I approve I will post a link on this site. I cannot promise that I will put everyone who emails me on here but I will do my best. This site is informational pertaining to wicca / witchcraft and the occult. I welcome opposing views however threats, swearing, and vulgarity will not at all be permitted. As this is my first site please be patient as it is going to be under constant construction until I get it just right. Your opinions and feedback are welcome Be sure to sign my guestbook. Luna :)
