<Usability Guide

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Singapore Rain areas animation

West Malaysia radar

East Malaysia radar

East & west Malaysia radar

Brunei radar

NWP Japan/Thailand

Medium range


NCEP ensemble forecast1

Northern Hem. pressure Plot

Jma model

Weather Charts by India

t170-rainfall forecast


ETA Wind

ETA rainfall

NWP India

T80 (pressure)

T80(wind hpa 1000)



wave Moel



earth viewer

Weather over specify location

Indian Occean(yokosuka)

super satellite

Satellite images

central Asia satellite images

World satellite images

Satellite images from npmoc

satellite images1

Asian satellite images

Satellite images produce byJapan Meteorological Agency (JMA)




Tropical cyclone Information from JMA

Japan Meteorological Agency

satellite images produce by Kochi University,Japan

Japan weather

Macau Meteorological service


Brunei Meteorological services

Satellite images

satellite images by dundee

world satellite images(sector by sector)


satellite images in Asia(color)


Latest 850mb vorticity

Asian satellite images water vapour (color)

South east asia water vapor color

South east Asia IR B/W

NWP by Australia

NOAA for Malaysia

Malaysia Meteorological services (satellite IR)

Malaysia Meteorological services (satellite VIS)

Latest Meteo5-WV

Indian occean color

asian color enhance IR

World enhance IR

Full gloge satellite picture by JWA

Latest Australia

Taiwan Meteorological services

Sallite images for Australia

Aviation centre provide world satellite images

48hr satellite imgaes from NCEP/NOAA

Asia satellite images with surface pressure

Hong Kong Observatory

NWP Nogaps

Myweather map


Surface wind and pressure

Jma model

NWP Thailand

global weather forecast

Korean MsLP

gsm by ecpc

weather by fmnoc

global pressure 1

Global pressure 2

Global pressure 3

global pressure(JMA)

Medium range forecast(tropic)

MRF Surface pressure


Australia radar images

USA USA Wind Charts

USA weather radar point by point

USA National Radar1

USA national radar

Weather underground Hong kong

Korea Met. Office

South East Asia Surface Chart

Latest global-IR

Latest global-wv

Latest global-VIS

Latest Meteo5-IR

Latest Meteo5-WV

Latest Meteo5-Vis

latest asian cloud top

NRL World cloud top NRL Charts

NRL Satellite Asia

Europe satellite

Europe satellite 1

Europe satellite 2

Europe satellite animation

Europe satellie animation 1

Europe satellite by UK

ECMWF(Northern Hem)

world's weather service 1

world's weather service 2

Metar & TAF



TAF/Metar Data Access

World short term temp/precipation outlookdictionary

MSN dictionary

World Map
Webmaster Guidelines
Focus Set out the subject of your site and keep the focus
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Navigaiton Keep your site navigation simple
Portability Avoid a site that has too much server or browser incompatibility
Maintenance Keep your site up to date and avoid becoming a "cobweb"
Feedback Ensure there is a mechanism for user feedback and listen to it!

webmaster Guidelines
Focus -Set out the suject of your site and keep the focus
Consistency -Make sure your site is consistent
Efficiency -Strive to make download quick and easy
Navigaiton/td> -Keep your site navigation simple
Portability -Avoid a site that has too much server or browser incompatibility
Maintenance -Keep your site up to date and avoid becoming a "cobweb"
Feedback -Ensure there is a mechanism for user feedback and listen to it!

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Copyright toh wee ming @ 11/03/2005