THE JESUS COMMANDMENT, a Great Place to work!

No-Bull Christianity John 13:34





Mission Statement

Message from Rev. Anderson:

1-1-16 After over 10 years, and very little updates for the past 5, I haven't had much reason to add any material. But the site is still useful for references.

Here you will find everything you need to know to be an effective and intelligent Christian. You will be able to get your doctrines straight, and some of your worldviews aligned as well. On the bar to the left you will see the correct and true teachings of the bible, along with many misunderstood scriptures explained. You will also see the dangerous heresies to Christianity that were never true, and need to be done away with forever. There's also a political section detailing how a true Christian should look at events in the world around us, and an editorial section for miscellaneous topics that I may come across.

You can read more about our mission statement to the left, or click my name at the top of the page to read more about who I am, and my qualifications to make such bold statements.
1Peter 3:15 " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you..."

Site started 11-24-05
Last edited 1-1-16

I take all challengers who want to discuss or debate anything on this masterful site. Meet me on Paltalk in the Open Mic Room. Debates are always stimulating and sometimes heated.

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Some material Copyright 1995 (seriously)
Other material Common Law Copyright 2005-2012