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Index of Lessons

Lesson 1        Discover Your Real Potential                                                    

Lesson 2        How to Reach Deep Levels of Meditation (Audio Provided)     

Lesson 3        How to Improve Learning and Creativity                                  

Lesson 4        Using Affirmations & Creative Visualization to Shape Your World

Lesson 5        Using Your Mind to Heal the Body

Lesson 6        How Jose Silva made His Discoveries

Lesson 7        Developing Your ESP and Clairvoyance

Lesson 8        Manifesting Your Boldest Dreams

Lesson 9        Goal Setting and Life Planning

Here are the Detailed Contents

Lesson 1    Discover Your Real Potential

What You Will Learn:

* Living a life beyond the ordinary.
* How Olympian Athletes use visualization to dramatically improve their performance.
* How Mr. Wright cured himself of a lymph node cancer using the power of belief.
* How a writer becomes world famous through the power of affirmations. Is luck within our control?

Lesson 2    How to Reach Deep Levels of Meditation

What You Will Learn:

* Explanation of Brain Waves and the Alpha Level
* Guided audio to take you to the Alpha Level of mind (27 minutes). The Ultimate Relaxation Experience.

Lesson 3    How to Improve Learning and Creativity

What You Will Learn:

* How inventors like Edison gained ideas and inspiration.
* Results of a fascinating study on ESP in the business world.
* How to boost your creativity by functioning at the Alpha level.

Lesson 4    Using Affirmations & Creative Visualization to Shape Your World

What You Will Learn:

* How to use affirmations to create a whole new outlook on life.
* How to banish bad habits for good.
* Accelerate towards your goals with creative visualization.

Lesson 5    Using Your Mind to Heal Your Body

What You Will Learn:

* The latest stunning scientific evidence for mind body healing.
* The placebo effect and how it affects you.
* How Dr O Carl Simonton teaches people to cure cancer using visualization.
* How you can accelerate your rate of healing using Silva techniques.
* How your mind can be used to heal other people at a distance.

Lesson 6    How Jose Silva made his discoveries.

What You Will Learn:

* How Jose Silva developed the Silva Mind Training Programs.
* The remarkable coincidence that lead to Silva making his biggest discovery.

Lesson 7    Developing Your ESP and Clairvoyance

What You Will Learn:

* How people are trained to demonstrate ESP at Silva seminars.
* The scientific evidence for ESP.
* How you can develop your intuition.

Lesson 8    Goal Setting and Life Planning

What You Will Learn:

* The amazing true story of how a newspaper delivery boy became a billionaire.
* How to create a life plan.
* How to set the right goals.

Lesson 9    Your Life Purpose

What You Will Learn:

* How to lead a Purpose Driven Life
* The Philosophy of Manifesting.
* Start living your Dreams.

How to unleash your subconscious mind power from scratch

Part 1 - Have you read the user manual of your mind yet?

Part 2 - The real power of the subconscious mind

Part 3 - A simple but result guaranteed exercise that you can do in a car

Part 4 - How to master your brain and thus master your destiny!

Part 5 - An important exercise to reprogram your subconscious

Part 6 - 3 simple exercise you can do to exercise your subconscious


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