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Laraine Glass: Welcome

Hi and welcome to my humble abode on the web. Sit down, and go get yourself some tea. Well, no, not really. I'm all out of tea and scones at the moment. *In my head, I said those two sentences in a British accent that sounds suspiciously like Hugh Grant.*

On to business, then...

I'm Laraine Glass, and I wrote Nicole's Stupid Diary and Get Over It. For those who remember, I also wrote The Prince Charming Search, but I removed it from FictionPress last year. On this website, you'll information about me and my work on FictionPress. Also, you'll find character pictures, but, if you're not into that sort of thing, I suggest you stay away from the Characters section of this site.

Oh, and please sign the guestbook if you have the time!


October 26, 2010

Hello. Here I am again, building another silly website that I'll update about once a year. Sorry, I can't even feed a pet regularly, much more maintain a website, but I'm trying. Really. Anyhoo, all the content's up, so feel free to look around.