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Top Ten Anime Bishonens:

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All About You - Very Long
- About You -
Name::Whisper is what you'll call me.
Age::15 (turning 16 soon)
D.O.B::Sadly, Valentines Day, 1991. It is one sucky birth date.
Eye Color::Chocolate.
Hair Color::Light brown.
Current Mood::Bored out of my everloving mind.
What Are You Doing::Typing.
Zodiac Sign::
Chinese Symbol::
Shoe Size::Why do you care?
- Family -
Living Arrangements::At home with family.
Are You Parents Together?::Yes.
If so, Name & Age?::
Do you get along with your parents?::Usually.
Do you get along with your siblings?::Yes.
Are your parents currently working?::Yes.
Are your parents strict?::Depends on what subject.
Have you ever cried infront of your parents?::Yes.
Have you ever sworn at your parents?::Not at.
Favorite Relative::Sister.
Least Favorite Relative::
Favorite Aunt & Uncle?::Hard to say.
Do you have anyone in your family you dislike?::Not close family.
- Appearance -
Do you like the color of your hair?::Yes.
Do you like the color of your eyes?::Yes.
If plastic surgery was safe and free of cost, would you get it?::No pain please.
Contacts/Glasses::No, might have to get them though.
Braces?::Used to.
Do you tan very easily?::No. I get sunburnt.
Do you have piercings?::My ears are pierced.
If so, where and how many::See above. Just one earring on each earlobe.
Any tatoos?::No.
Do you want any piercings?::If it wasn't painful, the cartilige of my ear.
Do you want any tatoos?::Without needles, maybe. Keyword: MAYBE
Do you consider yourself short?::In my family, yes. Compared to everyone else, I'm pretty tall. 5'7 anyway.
Do you like the way you look?::Sometimes.
Is there anything you would change?::Maybe.
What do you like about your body?::Eye color, hair.
Is their anything you hate?::Upper arms, thighs, dorky smile.
- Favorites -
Color::Black and blue.
Animal::Guys. (Joke, people)
Movie::Moulin Rouge.
Artist (Painter)::My sister.
Radio Station::One that plays good music but doesn't overplay songs.
CD::Mixed CDs or Evanescence: The Open Door. Or any Linkin Park CD.
Subject In School::Study Hall.
Food::Cookies and Cream ice cream.
Candy::Sour Gummi Worms or Reeses.
Pizza Topping::Pepperoni.
Cereal::Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms.
Day Of The Week::Saturday nights.
Season::Autumn, minus school.
Holiday::Christmas or Halloween.
Number::Probably three.
Store::Borders, Barnes and Noble, Hot Topic.
Weather::Rain, a couple of inches of snow.
Board Game::Yahtzee.
Computer Game::Pinball or Spider Solitare.
Thing to do when your bored::Write, sing, read.
Teacher::My homeroom teacher.
Hangout Place::Bookstores at the cafes where I can read with quiet, the wonderful smells coursing through the room.
TV Show::Too many to name.
Salad Dressing::None.
Place To Be::Look at hangout place.
Vacation Spot::My aunt's condo when the sky is overcast but I can still swim. I don't like sunny beaches. Too hot and bright. Too many people out.
Amusement Park::Local fair. Great rides, low price, don't ravel far.
Person::My sister.
Actor::Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler,
American Idol::I dunno, I don't watch it.
- Have You Ever -
Been In A Hospital All Night::For someone else.
Got Rushed To The Hospital::Not in an ambulance.
Almost Died::Yes.
Got Your Tongue Stuck To a Pole::No.
Been In A Car Accident::Came close, but no.
Almost burned down the house::No, my sister's the one that does that.
Got Drunk::No.
Got High::No.
Passed Out/Fainted::Came very close.
Broken The Law::Not that I know of. Maybe, but without knowing it.
Kissed Someone Of The Opposite Sex::No.
Kiss Someone Of the Same Sex::On the cheek.
Frenched An Animal::No. Eww.
Had An Online Relationship::Besides friendship, no.
Made A Porno Movie::No.
Cried In Public::Yes, but I tried to hide it.
Been Home Schooled::No.
Bungee Jumped::Kinda, on a trampoline.
Been On A Roller Coaster::Unfortunately, yes.
Met the Mayor::Yes.
Met the President::No.
Been out of the Country::No, sadly.
Made A Prank Phone Call::No.
Skipped School::No.
Climbed A Tree::With help from a friend, once.
Broken A Bone::No.
Gotten Stitches::No.
Made Yourself Pass Out::No.
Been To Disney World::Yes, twice actually.
Said I Love You & Meant it::Yes, but they didn't know.
Fractured a Bone::No.
Cut Yourself::Yes.
Injured Yourself On Purpose::Yes.
Lost Someone Close To You::Yes.
Cried When Someone Died::Yes.
Cried Yourself To Sleep::Many times.
Cried Infront of a Crowd of people::If my classmates count, yes.
- Feelings And Emotions -
Do you consider yourself emotinally strong around others?::I try to be.
How about yourself?::What about myself?
Have you ever hated yourself?::Yes.
Do you get your heart broken easily?::I used to.
Do you cry alot?::Yes.
Do you laugh alot::I try to; it gives you longer life.
Do you get amused easily?::When with friends or sister, yes.
Do you get jealous easily?:No.
Do you get angry easily?:No.
Have you ever completely flipped on someone?::Yes.
Do you cry when you get in fights?::Physical fights, no. Verbal fights, afterwards, yes.
Are you afraid of fist fights?::No.
Would you fist fight for a friend?::Yes, I have.
Have you ever attempted?::A fist fight? I've never started one...
Ever thought about it?::What subject are we on?
Ever wished you were dead?::Yes.
Do you trust people easily?::No.
Longest Fight?::Three weeks.
- Relationships and Sex -
Do you want to be single?::No.
Do you have a hard time trusting girls/guys?::Most.
Do you have a crush on someone?::I don't know.
Have you ever been in love?::I thought I had been.
First 'REAL' boyfriend/girlfriend?::Never had one.
How Old Were you?::See above.
How Long Did It Last?::See above.
Longest Relationship::See above.
Why Did You Break Up?::See above.
Shortest Relationship::See above.
Why Did You Break Up?::See above.
Are You A Virgin?::Yes.
If Yes, Do You Want To Lose It?::One day, with my true love.
Biggest Turn On::Sensitivity but dominance at the same time, tough with anyone else.
Biggest Turn Off::Bad smell of anything.
Is It Right To Flirt If Your Taken?::If you make it clear you're taken and going to stay with that person, I suppose it's all right.
First Thing Noticed About The Opposite Sex::Expression/smile.
Celebrity Crush?::JOHNNY DEPP! And about a million others.
Do you like your friends?:If I didn't, they wouldn't be my friends, would they?
Do you have close friends?::A couple.
How many do you trust?::Very few.
Do you fight alot with them?::Not usually.
Have you ever done the backstabbing::No. (proud to say, too)
Do they forgive you for that?::See above.
Most Hard Working?::Elane.
Worst Secret Keeper::Elane.
Biggest Pervert::Shina (and me).
Bitchy:Shina (but in a funny way).
- Random -
Do you have CDs?::Yes. I also have a video iPod.
Biggest Fear::Needles in me, feeling unalive and fake. Tubes to keep me breathing. Abandoned and alone.
Who do you tell ALL your problems?::My sister.
Do you like sushi?::Never had it.
Are any of your friends cutters?::Yes.
what does your screen name mean?::It means that in this world, I'm but a lingering whisper that will be heard, but forgotten.
do you drink coffee?::No.
do you know what 69 means?::Do you know what 42 means?
do you talk to yourself?::Yes.
how many times a year do you get sick?:In between seasons.
do you think you're fat?::Everyone else says I've got practically the perfect body, except my mom. She says I'm fat.
whats the most exciting thing you do during the summer?::Go swimming with/babysit my cousins.
do you know what the alphabet game is?::I believe so.
what would happen if you got pregnant at the age you are now?::I'd be sad that my childhood will end but I would have the child. I'm against abortion. If there was no way I could keep him/her, I'd let him/her be adopted.
what did you do today?::Went to the YMCA, read.
Do you want to get married?::Yes.
Future occupation::Broadway star or a writer.
- This Or That -
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Mind Boggler Survey (not usual questions!)
Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell?:So fun!
What's the most comfortable thing you own?:For clothing: my floofy suede furry coat!
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?:Sometimes.
How long does it take for you to take a shower?:About ten minutes when relaxing, two when in a hurry.
Have you ever stolen a sign from a street?:No.
What was the last thing you were thinking about?:Pippin's lovely singing voice (I'm watching Lord of the Rings).
If you could change your MIDDLE name, what would it be?:Too many choices.
Is the moon out right now?:I dunno.
What's the heaviest thing you own, besides a car?:I don't own a car for one thing. Besides that, My bed or computer desk most likely.
Do you live on your own?:No.
Who's car were you in last?:My sister's.
What's your relationship status?:Forever single, sadly.
Who was the last person to ever kiss you?:No one outside of family, at least on the lips.
When was the last time you held hands with someone?:Today, though it was just with a family member. Outside of family, maybe two or three weeks ago.
Do you have a crush/like someone right now?:Kind of, I don't know.
Have you ever wished upon a star for a certain someone?:Who hasn't?
What was the weirdest moment with you and your bf/gf?:Never had one.
Is love even real to you?:I wish, but I've never experienced it.
Warm up near a fire or cuddle under the stars?:Cuddle!
Who is the person you regret being/doing something with the most?:Kaylee.
Most romantic: flowers or chocolate?:A single rose.
If single... are you lookin around?:Yeah, but I know I won't get anyone.
If taken... are you happy?:See above.
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?:Depends on who the friends are.
What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?:Rambling on in languages no one understands.
Ever thought about why grass is green?:Grass is brown from death.
Can you build a detailed sand castle?:Is a lump considered detailed?
Ever bit someone else's tongue?:No.
Have you ever tackled someone to the ground?:Yes, either accidental or in self-defense though.
What's one of your favorite possessions?:Singing, acting, writing, reading.
Do you like to sleep?:Yeah.
Is your bed comfortable?:Usually.
What's the most awkward thing that happened to you in public this month?:Trying on fancy dresses that I didn't know how to wear in front of professionals.
Who's the last person that freaked you out?:My sister.
Who was the last person to compliment you?:My sister.
What's in your purse/backpack/other(pockets, wallet...)?:Books, wallet (in which is money), iPod, ect.
Do you feel like life will be easier when you're older, or harder?:Harder.
How come macaroni and cheese is so good?:They sneak cocaine into it.
Is pink the new black?:Black is black... unless it's ebony.
What thought made you cry last?:My sister is leaving me.
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This Or That? (girls/random)
pink or purple?:Almost white pink or a deep amethyst.
hoodie or jacket?:Warm hoodie.
pen or pencil?:Mechanical pencil.
love or lust?:Love.
hug or kiss?:Dependswho's giving them.
cat or dog?:Dogs, but I get along with cats too.
pepsi or coke?:Diet Coke!
strawberry or watermelon?:Watermelon without seeds otherwise I'll have strawberries with sugar.
chocolate or vanilla?:Chocolate (usually).
summer or winter?:Winter (without school).
gum or mints?:Gum.
gold or silver?:Silver.
night or day?:Night.
water or juice?:Water.
rain or snow?:Snow if I'm having a romance or sad day and if everything's quiet. Rain if I'm just thoughtful or dreamy.
looks or personality?:Personality.
giving or recieving?:Recieving. (I know, I'm such a Scrooge!)
abercrombie or hollister?:Uhhh... Hot Topic...?
chewy candy or hard candy?:Chewy!
dancing or singing?:I suck at dancing, good at singing, but I LOVE to dance like an idiot anyway.
friends or family?:Both.
mom or dad?:Parental units.
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