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Inner Vision


Inner vision is that place in your mind where you remember dreams. It is the part of your consciousness that recognises that 'deja vu' experience of having been somewhere before.

There is an energy center above and between your eyebrows known as the 'third eye'. It is the energetic input station for spiritual visions, remote viewing, and seeing auras. All things that are seen, but not seen with the physical eyes.

Every human being has the capacity to develop this vision. Some have opened this 'eye' a little, some a lot - and some would believe that they don't even have one.

One simple trick to begin to develop this vision:

Grab a partner, and turn down the lights so you have a semi dark room. Have your partner stand near a white or light colored wall.

Gently rest your gaze in the area of your partner's head and shoulders. Allow your eyes to move wherever they are led. Do not focus directly on your partner. Rather, gaze just beyond the edge of their head or shoulders. See if you can catch a glimpse of an outline of light around your freind.

Do not worry if it takes time to actually see anything. It could takes minutes or years.

What you will most likely be viewing is the first layer of the aura, an energetic body that all living things have.
