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How does it Work?

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Life force is an energy that humans have worked with for as long as they have lived on this earth. We cannot see it as easily as we can see the sun, nor can we feel it like heat...but it's there. Mankind, particularly priests and magicians have developed methods to generate it long ago. Most often these techniques were hidden in religious or magical ceremonies and complicated breathing exercises. Other methods consisted in building up strong emotional forces individually or in a group (church etc.), chanting, meditation, and animal sacrifices. This energy is called life force (or chi, prana etc.).

How does the life force generator work? The early models of life force generators were actually acumulators that were made up of organic and metallic material (such as alternating layers of steel wool and glass or plastic) enclosed in a copper or brass tube. These accumulators absorbed energy from the atmosphere. Picture taking a hot frying pan and placing it against a sheet of metal. The sheet of metal absorbs the energy (heat) from the frying pan. Same principal. In 1991, Karl Hans Welz invented the modern day orgone generator and later invented orgonite. Orgonite is a patented material consisting of powered metals and a composite plastic (when excited by an electric impulse their interaction actually produces life force) that allows for the construction of smaller and more powerful generators. The life force produced by these small generators can be measured with sensitive equipment such as a geiger counter etc.

You can if you like, just use the life force generator to energize your body. But to create strong need three key things: Trend Energy, Structural Link, and a Target.

Trend Energy: To make this very simple ...just picture this. You are doing a love spell for you or your client. You would use things that correspond to venus. Maybe some roses, honey, spearmint, sweet oils, spirit/planet signatures etc. These items coupled with your thoughts (intent) invoke venus on your behalf.

Structural Link: This is the path that the energy takes to find your target. For example we can use a picture or handwriting sample of the person who is the target.

Target: This is the person who wants the love spell to work on their behalf. Of course we are using this very simple love spell as an example...but I'm sure you see the endless potential.

Technique: Using our love spell example, You (1. trend energy) first visualize the new love you want (write down the character traits that are important to you on a sheet of paper). Burn some rose incense. Next take your handwriting sample or fingernail (2. structural link) and meditate on the goal. Put all of the items in a mojo bag with a small magnet or fish hook. Last but not least turn on the life force generator and point directly at the mojo bag ( The life force generator dramatically speeds things up and adds all the necessary energy you need to make your spell work!

The above example is a very simple way of putting together a general love ebo or spell. I can't divulge to much information here, but depending on your training and sophistication you can incorporate other items such as orisha, spirits, chants, planets, oils, herbs and herbal baths etc.

You can also use our specially designed filter cards for quicker and easier use of the life force generator. These filter cards are trend generators. They contain symbols of planetary and other universal symbols that become activated when placed in front of your life force generator. SYMBOLS ARE FROZEN THOUGHTS, WISHES, DESIRES WAITING TO BE MANIFESTED! These card filters are very effective accessories to the life force generator. These accessories, or filters, function as structural links to a wide variety of desirable trends such as love, money, business success, high intelligence, clairvoyance, win court cases/lawsuits, get a good job, healing etc, etc. These designs are structural representations with archetypal symbols for most basic desires that an individual may have. Combine the cards and you can set up appropriate energy filters for most anything you plan to do: From Self-Help to skillful Trend Management!!! There are 48 different cards in the deck (we call them the Alphabet of Success! The price for these filter cards is $80.

Custom Filter Cards: You can have custom filter cards created especially for your particular needs or desires:

Love: We can design custom love cards with specific traits (for example for a woman we can create cards that will attract a man who is...)

For a Man we can create cards that will attract a woman who is...

Remeber this list is just and can custom create your own list depending on what SPECIFIC traits you want in a mate.

Money: For money we can create different custom cards depending on what you are already into. Some examples are listed below: