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The Chronicles of Stickman
Tuesday, 11 April 2006
Transmission6: Untitled
Journal.exe ...
Beginning Journal...
No writing received...
Beginning Audio Journal...

"...NYAH!!!! Oh Cra...Crap."

"Boys, I think this is it. The time's come down to this, we're held up to this shed, and we have no where else to go."

"We know that, Tempest."

"Shut up, Shadow. We are the last 3 Bronx, and for all we know Matthew-Tron could be out there. The risks are high. The rest of the Bronx were destroyed in that massacre. We do have one chance left. There is one thing left to do, send stickman out there."

"Tempest! Stickman lost his stick out in the battle against Jodah, what will he use?!"

"I got this..."

"Holy cow, Stickman, how'd you rebuild it?"

"I didn't I got to the Ancestor before we fought. I figured a real Stick would come in handy."

"Awesome. Are you ready to do this, man?"

"I am not the only one fighting. If you two haven't observed, we are in one of their ammo depots. We can take some of this and use it to our advantage. Get some and get it ready."


Transmission ended at 1300...
Transmission started at 1302...

"Good, now heres what we'll...Oh CRAP!"

"Missed me when you took out Jodah, Stickman."


Transmission ended at 1303...
Starting HD safety protocal...
journal.exe ending due to hardware malfunction...

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 9:59 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 April 2006 10:04 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 February 2006
The Last Ditch
Shadow, Tempest, and I have joined forces, and while Shadow and Tempest seach for more allies, I write what could be the last entry in the Journal of the Stickman. If we have nothing by next month, then we shall attack. This will be hard, see as how from what i've heard this Matthewtron is something of an almighty Omega. We shall attack them without fear of death, of pain, or of capture. This is our Last Ditch attempt. We shall attack at their base. The end is here. One way or another. Goodbye, reader, for now.


Posted by planet/lbfansite at 9:57 PM EST
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Sunday, 18 December 2005
Journal Day 4485
It's been about 15 years since the War of Ages. The cameras I stole from the Omega's have been just destroyed. I was able to ressurect the film and infiltrate the destroyed bronx base to see get another camera to do playback on. What I saw shocked me...There was an Omega, no doubts about it, but something strange happened. None of the Omegas yet had been able to see the cameras, or at least up till now. The Omega's eyes then targeted the camera, and I wondered at how he saw it, then he destroyed the lens with one single blast, leaving the film in tact, as if for me to find. This Omega, I believe has primal senses injected into its fluids, a much more destructive thing than any other concoction they've ever made. This, I believe, came from the secret compound of the Omegas. The idea of an Omega with a precise aim, and yet primal instincts, keeping its senses open to more than the eyes and ears, is a horrible thought.

In other news, I heard gunfire not too far away from here about 16 days ago, I am sure it is the Bronx and Omegas, and I hope they didn't meet up with that beast. In case the Bronx met an untimely demise, I am sharpening and crafting my weapon.

I hear noises...out.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 3:30 PM EST
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Friday, 16 December 2005
Enemies: Lord Saron
Before the war of ages, I thought they, being the Omegas, would never re-create another race, and tecnically they didn't. However, the Omegas did create Lord Saron, another genetic being with telepathic abibilities with his weapons. He, however, was embedded with a control chip, so that the Omegas overrid his free will, so that he may only fight the Bronx and shall destroy any remnant of the Stickmen Race, that being me. He was built with better armor and was taught how to block other ways of telepathy, since the Omegas at that time knew of me. He was not a Stickman, however, for he had crafted his own weapons, two mini-sticks, hardened and densified to create a harder impace than a stick, and a ready knowledge of guns, especially the rifle. This would prove to be the nemisis who attempted to kill Stickman in the war of ages, and then be redeployed to track him down in the 2nd War of Ages.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 4:21 PM EST
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Monday, 12 December 2005
The Bronx
One day, while in the south part of the woods, there was a strange feeling about me, kind of like the first time I felt the Omegas. Except, this was human, but they were diffrent, there were many of the same ones, like 5 or 6 of each diffrent sense. I went to investigate, and that is when I met The Bronx. all I knew at the time was that they were not new to the area, the way i knew that was because they were accustomed to the woods and its placings, and so they saw me. I was surrounded in moments and taken to their commander named Tempest.

"What were you doing in the woods and are you a bronx?", Tempest demanded.

I hung my head low, in my state of confusion as to who they were.

"I will tell you who I am when you tell me about you, for I have never seen you in these lands that I am a native of", I inquired.

Tempest seemed perplexed at this, and after some thought as to tell him who they were, he said, "We are the Bronx, we used to be a populated race on the planet until the Omegas took over. The Omegas are a machine ra-"

"I know.", I interrupted, "Here is who I am."

I then told Tempest of who the Stickmen were and why they were wiped out by the Omegas and why I was the last one alive. This seemed to have caught the Bronx unsuspected and even a bit shocked, and so while they were discussing amongst this with Tempest, their faces turned away from me, I fled silently. I knocked out the gaurds Shadow and Wolf and fled back into the depths of the woods towards the Elder Tree.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 5:56 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 16 December 2005 4:02 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 December 2005
Topic: The Truth of Stickman
The boy was trained by the Elder Tree, and became not only worthy of being a Stickman, but worthy of being the leader of the Stickmen. However, there were none left except for him.

"Go into the edge of the woods, and you will find destiny.", the Elder Tree said to Stickman.

Stickman would not question the Elder Tree, for it had been alive much longer than before the Stickmen, and so he did. Stickman, upon arriving at the edge of the forest, where their village once was, felt a strange presence, it was neither tribal, nor spiritual, but rather more like a cold and exact tick in his mind. It came ever louder and ever closer. It was coming from behind him, and so he performed a diagonal slash through the target, and looked upon what it was that he struck. It was an Omega he felt. How could this be, you ask, if none of the other Stickmen felt the Omegas. He pinned up the dying Omega against the wall.

"Why did I feel you?", Stickman agressivly implored.

"Wh-w-wha-what?", the Omega managed to get out between the clicks and ticks of his dying body.

"I felt your presence, none of the other warriors felt you!", said Stickman while impressing the dying machine into the tree, welding it's overheating and exposed gears to the wild tree.

"It...cahikn..can'", The Omega said as it then died.

Then he felt the presence again, only coming from 4 directions. Stickman then jumped from one trunk to another, eventually making his way up into mid-air, and fell upon his first victim, then sprinted and took out the others and left one alive, which he tackled to the ground just below the first Omega he killed and welded into the tree.

"WHAT AM I!?", yelled the lone warrior.

"You're our creation.", said the Omega, looking coldly at the warrior, "Your race was a race meant to wipe out the Bronx from the planet, but a warrior, specifically you, turned out too good, you were perfect, your ability to adept to your environment is outstanding and extraordinary, and if you taught the rest, they would have succeeded and been able to destroy us."

Stickman then drove his weapon into the face of the Omega and sliced the machine in half. The destiny had found him alright, and it was evident.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 11:05 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 December 2005 11:08 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 December 2005
The Stickmen: Part 2 - Extinction and Stickman
Now, after finding out a warrior is telepathically bonded to his stick, you say, why is there no more than just one Stickman, and why is he the only one alive? Well, one day, during the Fall, the coldest season to Stickmen, there was no sounds of war from any neighboring tribes and such, so the trees did not feel any organism with hate. There was once a little boy of the Stickmen who was growing up to be a warrior. That day, he recieved his first Stick of the Pine Tribe. Then, less than an hour later, there was a prick of sheer pain throughout everything in the woods, including Stickmen, trees, and all other sorts. Then, the news spread throughout the trees. A Pine had been fell. How could this be, you may ask. They should have been able to feel the intruder and apprehend him before any such thing. One warrior went to check on the tree. There, standing on the edge of the forest, is what seemed to be a human, it's movements, and all other such things. The only thing that was diffrent between them was there was no telepathic tag. This was not human. The warrior, then in a panic of his own lack of knowledge, swung and took off the limb of the being, the person turned around, and the inside of the being was not of blood, but rather, of steel. The Omegas had arrived. The warrior was fell with the shot of a gun, and the omega army began to march towards the forest, killing off any warrior possible. Then, the Omegas figured out that there was a bond between the forest and the Stickmen, so, quickly and harshly, they fell the forest. The young warrior, along with his master, were the Last Stickmen. The master had a bond with the oldest tree on the planet and knew that he would not live long, so knowing the Omegas would kill him, and them not knowing about the boy, he would bond the Elder Tree to the young boy, and then, he would run out to make a distraction while the young boy fled to the Elder Tree. So he did, and the boy escaped. Forests eventually came back, for the Omegas learned that without oxygen, their hydraulics would burst. However, there were no trees with spirits. Only the Elder Tree was the last of it's kin, and the same with Stickman, who never ventured too far, and then the Bronx came, clones upon clones of a colony which had settled on the planet some while ago, they created large lakes and oceans, making the climate damper, and the seasons colder, until eventually it was the snowy planet we all know. This is the story of the Stickmen.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 6:04 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 December 2005 6:07 PM EST
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Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Journal - process interrupted - Topic: The Stickmen
One might wonder what Stickman is actually. A Bronx, or an Omega? In truth, he is neither. In fact, he is the last of the Stickmen. Now, he may pledge his allegiance to one side or another, but of that race he will be forever. The Stickmen lived on the snow planet many a millenia ago, when their earth was green, and trees were lush. They didn't get to be technologically advanced, for the forests provided everything for them. There were trees who could talk and provide them weapons from their branches. They were normally sticks that were telepathically linked to the tree and the person, and so that they were linked and knew about danger beforehand. I cannot reveal this all at once, but in the next chapter i shall finalize.


Posted by planet/lbfansite at 10:25 PM EST
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Monday, 5 December 2005
Journ-process interrupted-skip to: Journal Day 3650
3650 days, approximately 10 years since my retreat into the woods, i have rigged many, many traps, constructed a fortress, killed many an omega scout, and set up spy cameras on their own facility by their own equipment. The Omega fortress is rather quite larger than i had expected. Nothing in my war compares to this army. It is vast, expendable, and rebuildable. However, they seem to have quartered off a section for leaders only. I believe it is some plan to take down the Bronx once and for all. I have not heard much from the Bronx, but, I do believe they have made new splices to make more soldiers. One will never know.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 10:22 PM EST
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Sunday, 4 December 2005
Journal Day 3
The silence has been abrupted today as I heard what seems to be gunshots coming from the North. This could possibly be The Bronx and Omega's attempting another battle. There won't be much action, I suppose, They haven't had much time as to regain their armies. Snow has been provident in the midland as of late, making it easier to hide.


The Firing seems to have ceased this evening, and I have laid out my traps. Now, as to which alignment in this war, I am unsure. Seeing that I am actually a native of this snowy planet, I should guess my alignment to be with the bronx. We shall see when the day comes.

Posted by planet/lbfansite at 10:40 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 5 December 2005 10:32 AM EST
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