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ello govnas!
my name is mike.. i got a life.. sort of..
i love hanging out with friends.. i play basketball for a homeschool team called the tipicanoe tornados.. i am around six foot tall.. i love hanging out with friends.. i love to eat good food... good food is really good! food like buttermilk fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy! Mmmmmm, i can tast it already! anyway. i love meeting new people.. i love hanging out with my brother joe and my sister ashlee, they are amazing.. if it wernt for joe, this site wouldnt be here..
im still in highschool. im going to be a sophmore next year. and i have been in a speech class for two years already, gata take it one more year.. i got 4 brothers and 2 sisters..
i like to watch movies and listen to music.. there are alot of movies that i like.. final fantasy VII advent children is a good movie.. so is "300".. as i said, there are alot of good movies out there.. music. what i like tends to change quite a bit.. ATM my favoret music is prolly lazlo bane... umm... i like to play online games.. jedi outcast saber only CTF is really fun.. i also like to play day of defeat every now and than.. well.. that is all for now..
oh, the links didnt work so i will just creat a few..


my favoret foods