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HTML tags and in-line styles

There are two types of elements; block and in-line. In-line elements contain text and other in-line elements. Block elements contain in-line and other block level elements. Block elements usually start on a new line.

Tags can be container tags that require opening and closing tags or empty tags that close themselves.

HTML tags

Headings are pre-formatted container tags that display at various sizes from h1 to h6. They are used to format your document. Just like in a word document, a web page should contain proper headings.

heading 1

heading 2

heading 3

heading 4

heading 5
heading 6

Font tag

This tag is deprecated. It was used until HTML 4 to control font size, font colour and font family. The default size of your font on the web is 3. We will replace this tag using the paragraph tag and CSS (Cascading style sheets.

This is a font tag styled.

Font Styles

bold bold (b tag has been deprecated) italics Emphasis underline

This is a paragraph of text

Big text
Strike Through



Using horizontal rules and line breaks

This is a paragraph with a horizonatal rule after it.

This is a paragraph
with a line break

More element tags

There are many element tags adn special character codes that are used to properly format a document

This & that
