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Matilda Aziza Bane

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Born: In a noble's castle in Transylvania (Romanian Transilvania), a region in central Romania in an elevated plateau entirely surrounded by the Transylvanian Alps, a range of the Carpathian Mountains.

Breed: *ANTHRO* Rafinesque's big-eared bat
{Scientific name} Corynorhinus(=Plecotus)rafinesquii As well as Grey Tabby
{Scientific name} Felis silvestris catus w/ human features
Descent: Egyptian and Romanian
Mother: Nefer Tia
Father: Adrian Vasile Bane

Daughter of a beautiful Egyptian anthro feline and a dreaded vampiric Romanian prince, Matilda has her issues. From her mother came her gorgeous body, endless patience, and lighthearted nature, truly a joy to be around. From her father, a terrible temper, extremely dangerous when provoked.

-The Meeting-
Adrian met Nefer through his travels around the world, the man had an extreme wanderlust. Upon meeting Nefer it was love at first sight, absolutely insisting that she come to live with him as his bride. Soon after the birth of Matilda, Nefer discovered the horror of Adrian's temper and vampiric descent. Nefer and her child were trapped with the monster until Mattie was fourteen when Adrian's temper overwhelmed him resulting in the murder of his wife. Mattie grew seething and begrudging against her father, plotting revenge for many years after witnessing the death of her mother until one day she decided she wouldn't sink to his level. Instead, at 22 she fled in mid-day while her father slept. Mattie had been blessed with the better perks of being a half breed, able to go out in the sunlight and non-hemophelic. The cat bat took flight with little rest till her body finally gave out. When she awoke, she found herself on the warm shores of The Golden Tether, forever to live a simple life, rebelling against her father's cruelty with her kindness to others.

Matilda Bane

fun facts

Kinky little thing if you can keep her attention long enough.

Extremely random, never underestimate it...

Cuddly, though she won't let on until she trusts you enough.

Loves Drows <3 <3

P.S. The Artwork above is NOT mine, nor was it drawn for my character. I simply used this picture because it resembles my character so closely...

`~.Fan Art.~`
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Two pix of the same drawing, done by Alina ^^

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My cutesy Paint Pad drawing of Mattie ^^

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