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Everything happens for a reason

We open outside in a park in the middle of the afternoon, as the camera pans the area there seems to be nobody around then finally the camera stops on to figures sitting at a picnic table next to each other, when the camera zooms in you notice it's Christy Hemme and JJ Crawford. Christy Hemme is wearing a black t-shirt with the UWE logo on it with a pair of skin tight blue jeans, JJ is wearing a FTW t-shirt with a pair of black jeans.

Christy:I have a question for you.

JJ:What's that?

Christy:Why did it take you so long to call me?

JJ doesn't say anything for a few minutes, he then turns towards her and takes a deep breathe and begins to speak.

JJ:For the simple fact after everything that has happened I thought you hated me.

Christy:I will be honest for a while I did hate you but then slowly realize that I just hated myself for letting things end like they did.

JJ:Yeah that was pretty brutal how it ended huh?

Christy:I mean when we first started dating everything was great, then we got married and everything was still great I mean we fought now and then but what couple doesn't, then towards the end we both said some things that we probably regret to this very day. I know I regret what I said that horrible night.

JJ:I did say some nasty things that I never meant I hope you can somehow forgive me for all of that.

Christy:If I haven't forgiven you then I wouldn't of talked to you when you called.

JJ:Well I guess that's true.

Christy:You know it actually felt good to attack Vince.

JJ:I'm sure it did feel good I mean after everything he has done to us.

Christy:You know JJ I still love you.

JJ looks at Christy after she said that raising a eyebrow.

JJ:Wow, I didn't expect that.

Christy:Well it's true, I mean I've missed you since the day you left. My life hasn't quite had the same meaning to it like when we were together.

JJ:Yes that feeling I know all to well.

Christy:Do you mean it? are you admitting that you missed me?

JJ:Of course I have missed you I mean you were and still are the woman I love.

Christy:Do you think by chance that we can have another go at it?

JJ:Are you serious?

Christy:Yes I am serious, I mean we've both been misserable without each other, but just promise me one thing.

JJ:What's that?

Christy:This time don't put your career ahead of our relationship.

JJ:Yeah I was a asshole was I? I mean when you needed me the most I was on the road wrestling in different cities and states.

Christy:I mean I knew you loved me but I needed more then that, I wanted to have a family but Vince took all my hopes and dreams away from me, but maybe now we can have a fresh start, well that's if you want to have a fresh start. You might already be enjoying your single life I mean I've heard about your marriage to Stephanie Mcmahon and Brandi Fairchild, then you dating Lita, Tori, Candy, Gail Kim, Debra and Rena.

JJ:Why must you bring up the past?

Christy:Sorry but I couldn't help it, I heard you got remarried twice and it hurt real bad, I mean I saw your wedding on tv to Brandi and I started crying.

JJ:I'm real sorry and all but I wanted to try and get on with my life or I would of went insane.

Christy:I understand.

JJ takes Christy's hand.

JJ:But I do love you a lot Christy and no matter what I couldn't get you out of my head and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You see a tear roll down Christy's face.

Christy:I miss being in your arms.

JJ puts his arms around Christy, suddenly they end up sharing a long passionate kiss.

Christy:I'm sorry JJ I shouldn't of did that.

JJ:Why are you sorry? I've been praying for the day we would get a second chance and it looks like we've finally got it.

As the scene fades you see JJ and Christy sitting their just staring into each other's eyes.

We reopen inside of a mall in the food court, you find JJ and Christy sitting at a table chatting.

Christy:So what made you wanna step back into the ring again? I mean the last I heard you were going to retire.

JJ:Simple babe, I mean what would the world be without the Living Legacy?

Christy laughs.

Christy:Well I guess you have a good point honey.

JJ:Damn right, I mean I am the biggest star to ever hit the sport of wrestling, yes that even means I am bigger then Stone Cold, The Rock and even Hulk Hogan.

Christy:I almost forgot how cocky you were.

Christy laughs.

JJ:You think your cute don't you?

Christy:Why yes I do baby, and I know you think I'm cute specially without my clothes.

JJ:Well last year everybody seen you without your clothes in playboy.

Christy:Well as you said earlier today you gotta do what you gotta do to forget things.


Christy:Anyway sweetie I gotta do a little shopping so I'll be right back.

JJ:Alright honey.

Christy gives JJ a kiss then gets up and begins walking off.

The camera then focuses back in on JJ as he begins to speak.

JJ:Sanchez so your my first victum in UWE, do you have any idea what you have gotten yourself into? I mean your messing with the one man wrecking crew. One thing you need to realize is that I am not to be taken lightly not at the least because if you underestimate me that will be your downfall, I have mainevented matches all around the world so I am used to high profile matches but the question is are you ready? I mean cause I honestly don't think you are ready for me Sanchez. don't think I'm not taking you seriously because believe me I am taking you serious homie. I really hope you are taking this whole thing seriously because I damn sure am, I hope you hit the gym every day because I can guarentee you've never faced anyone quite like me, I mean they call me the King of Highrisk and that's not just because I need another fucking nickname it happens to be true, I put my body on the line every single time I step through the ropes. Now I could say I am going to beat the hell out of you but that would be way to easy to just say it so I'm probably not gonna go that route.

JJ looks around the food court at everyone passing by, he then continues to speak.

JJ:I am really looking forward to this Sanchez and no it's not because I think your talented because frankly I don't think your talented at all, why I am looking forward to this is because I look at you as just another bitchboy who needs to be put in their place by the Living Legacy. In my mind Sanchez your just a stepping stone that's it nothing more and damn sure nothing less. Your just a stepping stone to the world title and another shot at embarrassing Danger, anyway you can do all the push-ups, pull-ups, crunches and jumping jacks you want but it still won't help you because your in a game you can't win, your in a game that I make the rules and trust me you won't survive. Your in for a whole world of pain and suffering because no one inflicks pain quite like I do. Some may look at this as you being the heavy favorite well you know what I could fucking careless if that's what people think because some people truly are that retarded. Hell a doped up, three legged, wrinkled testical, barney loving, special olympics compettitor would have more of a chance against me then you will.

Just then you see Christy Hemme making her way back over to the table JJ's sitting at, with in seconds Christy is back at the table and sits back down next to JJ.

JJ:I thought you were going shopping.

Christy:I did.

JJ:Then were's the bags?

Christy:I already put them in the car.


Christy:Anyway are you ready to go? because we have to meet Matt and Davy at the ESW trainning center.

JJ:Yeah I'm ready.

As the scene fades JJ and Christy get up and make their way to the exit.

We reopen inside the ESW trainning center, you find JJ, Christy, Davy Blade and Matt standing next to the ring.

Davy:Why are we here?

JJ:To start your trainning.

Davy:Oh okay.

Matt:Alright why am I here?

JJ:You and Davy are gonna have a match in the ring while I sit back and see what all Davy can do.


Christy:This should be good honey.

JJ:Yes it should.

Davy:I'm gonna whoop your ass Matt.

Matt:In your dreams you retarded monkey.

JJ smacks Matt in the back of his head.

JJ:How many times have I told you not to use my catch phrases.

Christy:You've told him one to many times to count.

JJ:This I know sweetheart.

Davy:Hey what can ya say JJ your his hero.

JJ laughs.

JJ:Yeah your probably right, anyway you two get into the ring.


Davy:Let's do this.

Davy and Matt climb into the ring, they then circle each other they lock up as the camera swings back over to JJ.

JJ:I mey be the smaller of the two but that doesn mean a damn thing, because I've taken on biggger and stronger people then you. I honestly think the nickname monster gets throwin around way to much, I mean they've called Big Show, Kane, Umaga and Samoa Joe monsters so I guess what I am trying to say Sanchez is that your gonna have to prove to me how much of a fucking monster you truly are because I don't think your much of a monster maybe more like a munster not a monster, or do you belong to the Addams family instead? I don't even think you know how much of a challenge you have a head of you, so what I suggest is that you go and get some old tapes and do your homework because I already have all the tapes on you I need and I have been doing my homework on you I mean that's what a real superstar does. You know I am the guy everybody wants to be and the guy every woman want's to be with I am the biggest name in wrestling history I've pratically done it all in my career. How many people can say they mainevented wrestlemania against Shawn Micheals? I know I can say that I've done that because I have.

You see Davy Blade nail Matt with a snap suplex followed with a dropkick as the camera focuses back in on JJ.

JJ:The Crawford family his a wrestling dynasty and Sanchez you get to step into the ring with the most popular and the most talented Crawford of them all, so if I were you I would feel privilaged that I am dirting my hands with a person like yourself I mean normally I wouldn't waste my time with gutter trash like yourself but this time I will make a exception just this once in your case. I hope you plan to be in the fight of your life because every time I get in the ring it's all or nothing for the simple fact is that in our business you either a dud or a stud but the question is which one are you? I know which one I am. When it's all said and done and all the dust has settled and all the smoke has cleared you'll just be another assclown left laying all over broken glass and if you don't like it.........WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!

As the scene fades to black JJ puts his arm around Christy and goes back to watching Davy Blade train.