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Calculus is the first class that I have everyday: bright and early at 8:15 am SHARP! This class was a real benefit to me, because it enabled me the possibility of passing the AP test and getting college credit for one or two semesters of calculus.

This is actually a total bargain considering I spent only eighty-some dollars on the test and each credit in college is one hundred dollars-give or take. Since each semester is worth more than one credit, it means that I am making a real deal!

Mr. Frenchick is a great teacher too. He was able to prepare us, or at least me, to the point, that I felt some what confident in what it was that I was doing, and hopefully got a FOUR-cross your fingers Mr. Frenchick!

Yeah, and now that we are done with our calculus, we are working on Java again-hence I am making this web site, so if ya actually read this and you know Mr. Frenchick, let him know how awesome it is!