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Kelli's Home Page

This page is intended for the viewer to learn a little about me. It includes my background, employment history, hobbies, and interests.

I currently live in Great Bend, KS which is the town I grew up in. I lived here for 19 years before moving to Lawrence, KS. I have one brother and a half-sister. My mom is a teacher at the Great Bend Middle School and my father passed away in 1995. I graduated from Great Bend High School in 1999 then attended Barton County Community College and received my Associates Degree. While in high school I played on the girl’s golf team my junior and senior. I also worked part-time at the movies theater. When I attended BCCC I continued to work at the movie theater and also at a video, book, and music store as an assistant manager. My sophomore year at BCCC I received a scholarship to play golf on the women’s golf team. The college had not had a women’s golf team in years so it was just me and one other girl that was recruited from New Mexico.

After graduating from BCCC I moved to Lawrence, KS and attended the University of Kansas for two semesters. I changed my major at least twice while I was there and could not stick to a major so I decided to take some time off from school and work full time. I went to an employment agency, Express Personnel Services, looking for a job and they hired me to work in their office. I really loved this job. I started as a receptionist and moved up to a Staffing Consultant. This job gave me a lot of exposure to the real world and also taught me not to trust people so much. It was frustrating to put someone to work and not have them show up. Despite the frustration and stressfulness of this job I still loved it and learned a lot from it.

Since I was no longer attending school and the cost of living in Lawrence is outrageous, myself and my Boston Terrier, Muggs, moved back to Great Bend in 2004. I started working at Benefit Management, Inc. in September 2004 as a Claims Examiner and went back to work at the movie theater as an assistant manager. I decided that I needed to finish my goal of graduating from college so I am now taking classes part-time through K-State Online. I’ll probably be in school forever before I finish my degree but I know it will be worth it. Overall things for me are going great. I bought my house in September 2005 and love being a home owner.

I don't know why but I love Mickey Mouse so I threw him into this web page. In my spare time, which is not much, I love to sped time with friends, family, Muggs, and listening to music. I do enjoy working and sometimes get out to play golf.


Employer Websites School Websites
Benefit Management, Inc. Great Bend High School
Express Personnel Services Barton County Community College
Village Cinema University of Kansas

Here are a few pics and my brother's myspace page:

Chris's Myspace

This is a pic of me and my friends last time I visited them. I'm the one in the brown.

This is my dog, Muggs.

E-mail me with any questions or comments