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Gorean Medicines and Herbs

Agrimony: leaves of the herb possess antibiotic qualities; it is made into a salve.

Allium: (garlic) its oils are effective against both Gram-positive bacteria (such as staphylococcal and streptococcal infections), Gram-negative and acid-fast organisms; most effective in lowering elevated blood sugar levels as well as moderating high blood pressure; the oil penetrates skin readily and moves through the bloodstream quickly

Arro: Use arial parts of the plant. Preparation and dosage: Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water into 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb and leave to infuse 10-15 mins. When feverish it should be drunk hourly. Tincture. take 2-4 mls of Tincture 3 times daily

Bergament salve: made of the leaves used for itching and rashes

Black pepper: hurts but it stops bleeding

Blue short grass: A powder made of this grass once dried and crushed is used as an analgesic. It grows beneath the water of falls

Brak Bush: a shrub whose leaves have a purgatory effect when chewed. In large doses, the leaves will induce vomiting. When taken as tea, brak bush acts as a laxative and systemic cleanser.

Breeding wine: A sweet beverage that counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second ingredient is teslik

Capture scent: Chloroform; it will render a person unconscious when inhaled. It is often used in a dart.

Cayenne Pepper: also referred to as stinging spices. Levels out blood pressure, when made as a tea helps to stop internal bleeding, when applied as a paste, stops external bleeding

Chamomile: in a tea to aid with sleep, especially during pregnancy

Emetics: Mix the powder with water, drink.

Gieron: A drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; in combination with Sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague. Non-infectious.

Healing salve: a gift of the Priest Kings. Applied to the skin, it will heal a wound within a few minutes.

Honey: Applied on a wound helps promote healing. There is honey on Gor.

Kanda: A leafy plant of the Gorean deserts whose roots hold a lethal poison. Kanda leaves have a strong, addictive narcotic effect that may make this plant a cousin of the Earth Coca plant. It seems the chewing of Kanda leaves brings a state of euphoria/numbness that is similar to that of strong analgesics. They are not to be swallowed.

Kalana root: steeped in water and used to cleanse wounds

Kur Fat: used to stop infections

Matchweed: is an anticoagulant, it is made into a tea infusion thins blood by increasing clotting time

MudPacks: are used when healing sprains, soft tissue trauma and reduce swelling and pain

Numbing Salve: relieves pain locally

Ost bites - Immediate death. Its venom is a neurotoxin, there is NO anecdote. Massive tissue necrosis mentioned in Outlaws and Assassins

Peppermint: Stop infections or make oil to use as antiseptic like bactine

Sajel: A drug that causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body; in combination with Gieron, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague. Non-infectious. ( See Gieron for more description. )

Sip root: A bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine. Red Savages make their slaves chew as a means of birth control. Usually last 3 months but may be given monthly to be sure (Red Savage of Gor)

Slave wine: A black, bitter beverage that acts as a contraceptive; its effect is instantaneous and lasts almost forever or until counter-acted with breeding ingredient is sip root

Sleeping Powder: an amber powder - add water and shake, turns a dark blue

Stabilization Serums: A series of medical injections which, among other things, retards the aging process; an invention of the Priest-Kings, approved by them for use by humans; administered in 4 injections

Tassa powder: A reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious.

Teslik: A plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine.

Tubers: Tubers are used to make packs to stop external bleeding. The tubers are dried, crushed, and then mixed with water to form the

White Sage: leaves of the plant are used to help fight infection

Willow: Parts used: bark, leaves and buds. The bark is chewed, and tea is brewed from leaves or inner bark for pain relief.

Yellow Powder: It is concentrated brak brush. Used as a laxative, causes diarrhea.

Zingiber: a tea is used to relieve nausea
