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On Being And Becoming

Hi to old friends and
New visitors to this site
And those who have followed it's
Evolution over the past years
It has been online.
You are all welcome here.
As it has evolved into a different perspective
I would like to share what I believe is
the end of my search for Truth, Life, and a Way to live.


Those are of the men I identify with as my people.
I was born an indian at no request of my own.
I love the indian people, it is where my heart is.

This is the man I devote my life to.
He is the Lord and Master of all.
Creator of the heavens and earth
If you care to learn how I arrived at
My enlightened reality that He is God
And whom I choose to serve faithfully
By all means continue reading

Mark 4:23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.