"What would you die for?!"

16 years old
San Antonio, TEXAS
United States

Last Login: 7/2/2006
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    askmeaskmeaskme's Interests
Skateboarding, music, people, earth. Me lying on the ground. Camera zooms out and you see me as a dot on the land, keep going, can't see me anymore, see continents, water, then you keep zooming out of earth's atmosphere, keep going start to see the moon in the picture, keep going and keep going you begin to see just our whole milky way galaxy, keep zooming out of the picture you see our galaxy as a little floating spiral in black emptiness all around it with a numerous amount of galaxies in the distance. You start to zoom back into near the center this particular spiral, you start to see earth as a dot, gets closer you see it as a big sphere. Zoom in closer into Earth's atmosphere you see water and continents. Zoom into the bottom of what we call America, becomes Texas, Zoom in closer and closer to Texas, near central of it and the buildings become bigger and bigger from specs to big buildings, zoom into that same exact piece of land, you see me as a dot, zoom in closer and you see me skating and having fun with my friends. :) Haha jk all crazy. Go Skate.
Music..Plays a major role in my everyday life.
Movies..V for Vendetta, Donnie Darko, Loose Change, The Boondock Saints, Taxi Driver, Four Brothers, War of the Worlds, Mosaic, Bag of Suck
Television..Routine Spongebob in the mornings.
Books..I don't know, Farenheit 451?
Groups: Alice_ThunderfUckiNg hAggErt

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Zodiac Sign:Leo

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After I graduate, I'm moving to Manhattan and becoming a Taxi Driver...  (view more)

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   askmeaskmeaskme's Blurbs
About me:
Aim SaveTheWorld1
To start off, my name is Joseph, I go to gay Reagan, well no matter what school I'd go to i'd still say it's gay because school's gay in general right!? WRONG! Just kidding. I turn sixteen on August 14 of 2006. Skateboarding's my life, I've been doing it since I was eight and i plan to do it until I can't walk. I love my friends to death and I've got their back forever no matter the circumstances. I moved here to San Antonio early October 05' from Corpus, and I love it, that's about it. See you around.

'Refresh my page if media controls aren't showing up right.'

Who I'd like to meet:
Habitat team, Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, anybody cool?

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 Matt (In WI for 2 weeks) 



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 O Adam 7 

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Adios Turd Nuggets

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