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National Alliance Educational Videos

This is My website with information about the national alliance and its program. The National Alliance is not an evil organization like certain groups,(Jews, Niggers). They are an organization trying to help the white race come back to being in full power. This is because the White Race is the most powerful race. We have all the ideas that have helped us succseed in society. When we decided to pick our foot up off the blacks and jews we allowed for chaos to happen. Well hope you take the information to heart. If you want more information about what the national alliance is. Click on the what is National Alliance link. There are some other good links too for merchandise. And video. And my story! If you are white and know that there is a problem with the race issue in this country join the National Alliance. Help support your race!!

Three reasons why you should join

Websites with good information and products

The official National Alliance Website
Resistance records webiste
National alliance informational video
what is national alliance
Learn how jews really are
How non whites hurt us
whites as sex slaves Do u believe it