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Why is there a need for your site?
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I feel that my site is necessary to keep the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association updated on current events, give them helpful information, and let them keep track of other members progress. I would like the site to include links to the main chapter site (ADTA Homepage) as well as links to any of the facilities that will be holding meetings, workshops, etc. I would also like to include a link to Google Maps or Mapquest for those who will need directions. I also will also include their logo, and the official ADTA logo. I don't have any video planned, if I do it will probably be of a dancer or someone "moving". For audio, I would like to play something as you first enter the site, something peaceful and short. I plan to keep it colored similar to the main chapter page with that greenish-blue, but I definitley want to add some more "umph". I wish for users to have the ability to access any page section from the top of the page.

The basic topic will deal with the chaper itself, with the ADTA being the main focus. My users will be therapist, patients, and people generally looking to keep up on the events and happenings of the chapter. After visiting the site, I wish for people to feel informed.