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J.Llyn's Planet

Jennifer will be a Writing major at Grand Valley State University this fall. Random Questions About Me from x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x] What's your name? ::: Jenny Birthplace ::: Wayne, Michigan Age ::: 17 Age you act ::: uh - 17? Current location ::: Hartland, Michigan Eye color ::: green Hair color ::: brown Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: right Zodiac sign? ::: Cancer Height? ::: 5\'1 and 3/4 inches [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x] Your heritage/nationality ::: Irish, Polish, English, German, Scottish Your hair ::: brown but dyed auburn Your fears ::: spiders, roller coasters Your perfect room ::: i\'m writing office, i guess? What you practically do in a day ::: run, school, work...exciting stuff [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x] Words you overuse ::: wonderful, fabulous Phrases you overuse ::: not much (in response to \"What\'s up?\") Your first thought when you wake up ::: 5:50 a.m. is too early fo! r thoughts Your greatest accomplishment ::: overcoming social anxiety Something you want to do ::: publish a book [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x] Pepsi or Coke ::: neither McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: mcdonald\'s if I absolutely must Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: umm, I vote Alanis Chocolate or vanilla ::: chocolate Adidas or Nike ::: the cheaper pair Black or white ::: black Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: bills please Burgers or hot dogs ::: burgers Egypt or France ::: france Rock or rap ::: rock [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x] Smoke ::: no Cuss ::: **** yeah Sing well ::: not terrible Sing in the shower ::: yesss Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: oh yeah Believe in yourself ::: yep Like taking these longass surveys? ::: obviously Play an instrument ::: two Want to go to college? ::: yes Want to get married? ::: ma! ybe Want to have children? ::: no Think you're a hea! lth frea k? ::: kind of Get along with your parents ::: about half the time Get along with your siblings? ::: on occasion Think you're popular ::: not really [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x] Gone out of state ::: to New York Drank alchohal ::: no Smoke ::: no Get high ::: no Done any drugs ::: no Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: not yet but I might Been on stage ::: yes Gone skinny dipping ::: i wish lol Been dumped ::: no Dyed your hair ::: yes Stolen anything ::: no [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] Last dream ::: that I was in this coffeehouse I always dream about Last nightmare ::: can\'t recall Car ride ::: I drove to work Last time you cried ::: two days ago Last movie seen ::: ? I need to get out more Last movie rented ::: reality bites Last book read ::: the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven by sherman alexie Last word said ::: bye Last curse word said ::: dumba** Last time you laugh ::: twenty minutes ago Last phone call ::: five minutes ago at work from a salon customer Last CD played ::: Spring Awakening original Bdway cast recording Last song you listened to ::: the bitch of living from spring awakening Last annoyance ::: obnoxious impatient customer! s Last IM ::: I don\'t do im Last weird encounter ::! : strang e customer Last person you hugged ::: my mom Last person you yelled at ::: probably also my mom Last time you wore a skirt ::: almost a year ago Last time you've been evil ::: i\'m always evil Sarcastic? ::: my last answer Last time you fought with your parents ::: sometime within the last 48 hours Last time you wished upon a star ::: when I was five Played Truth or Dare ::: thirteen years old Spent quality time alone ::: this morning [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x] Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: no Do you feel lonely ::: no Ever TP'd someone's house ::: no How about egging someone's house ::: no Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: .........what? Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: NO Yo Momma ::: so fat...she... ok i don\'t know any Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: yes What do! you think of George Bush? ::: HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE (and I don\'t hate anyone) Any secret fetishes? ::: not yet lol Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: no How many languages do you speak? ::: English + high school level French Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: no Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: yesss!


NYC Counterculture!
National Organization for Women
Jenny's College