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Thursday, 16 November 2006
Newly Appointed District Court Judge Brad Menhiem of Dothan, Alabama and Judge Patricia Warner Denies Tompkins Discovery Request, while attempting to cover up Family Court Corruption In Montomgery, Alabama . Order Issued (12-15-100 code of Alabama) , Alabama Statuture , When the courts fail you, Never Give Up !.

Attorneys Debra Poole, Mitch McBeal, Tyler Coxs violates Judge Brad Menhiem order, relating to disclosure of Juveniile records to third party to discredit Tompkins.

1. Debra Poole Documents. 1, 2,

2. Drummond's admits that the Crook Warner is a liar, see documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

3. Judge Brad Menhiem of Dothan Ala, Ignores 5th discovery request to cover up corruption. 1, 2,

4. Mitch McBeal, Knowlingly and willfully lies about the truth. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, if you need a good liar and crook in the family court system, Mitch is the guy to see if you want your case fixed.

Witnesses in the Tompkins custody cases have alleged murder threats, false allegations of child abuse and false allegation of threatening a State court Judge to bar him from his children.

(The Murder Petition, click on this link)

Access to juvenile witnesses granted: The admission into evidence of portions of a defendant’s testimony at a dependency hearing concerning the victim was not error. The Court of Criminal Appeals reasoned that the confidentiality rules which govern juvenile proceedings and records are designed to protect the juveniles in juvenile proceedings, not the privacy of witnesses. See Bombailey v. State, 580 So. 2d 41 (Ala. Crim. App. 1990).

Access granted: A television station’s news report about a 15-year-old runaway whose puppy had been stolen and tortured did not constitute an invasion of privacy. The court found that the public had a legitimate interest in the story. J.C. and C.C. v. WALA-TV, Inc, 675 So. 2d 360 (Ala. 1996).

Alabama state court overturned the conviction of two newscasters for violating a state law that prohibits disclosure of information in juvenile records. They had broadcast the name of a juvenile charged with murder. Although the newspaper had obtained the name from a confidential source, the judge reversed the lower court's ruling because the juvenile's name had been revealed before the broadcast in a bond hearing.

The Alabama Supreme Court (1996) held that a television station's news report about a 15-year-old runaway whose puppy had been stolen and tortured did not constitute an invasion of privacy. The court found that the broadcast of the juvenile's identity and runaway status did not constitute an invasion of privacy because the public had a legitimate interest in the story. See State v. Ozbirn, cc-930148, Dist. Franklin City., Ala., dismissed, Feb. 3, 1994) and J.C. and C.C. v. WALA-TV, Inc., 675 So.2d 360 (Ala. 1996).


SEE the following links as the law relates to alleged criminal defendants:

Links No. 1

Posted by planet/jessietompkins at 8:36 PM CST
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Thursday, 22 June 2006
My web site has been around a long time and has very good ranking on google. Try typing Blackston and Alabama into google. Your story will get attention.

James Blackston

My name Jessie Tompkins

I live in Montgomery County, Alabama, I hope that what I am about to say will help or encourage you and others.
On April 11th 2006, the Family Court in Montgomery illegally took my son away from me and gave him to a drug user, the attorney that represented me (Nikki Rothschild ) was appointed by family court Judge Patricia Warner to represent the drug user, remember that this is my attorney, they held a secret hearing (ex parte). I was not given Due Process or Notice , I was only advised after the hearing that my son was in the care of a non-family member and drug user, I evicted the drug user and her boy-friend out of my house, so these events are factual.

The Dallas County Probate Judge John Jones , allowed his office to be used to forged my signature on a custody agreement and he notarized it with the State of Alabama Seal, I was not there and did not sign it.
The Family Court Judge, (Judge Warner) is the law partner with Diane Paris, she is also another attorney whom represented me and Judge Warner refused to recuse herself from the case and ignored this conflict.
The Judge was simply trying to get a down payment for her new beach side home and give her lawyers pals an unjust enrichment. If you quit now, you will give them that unjust enrichment.

I have now been called crazy and these crooks are asking the newly appointed Judge Brad Mendheim of Dothan, Ala., to order that I submit to mental evaluations. This is simply being requested to delay the trail and give the family court more time to cover up the truth, destroy the records, so that I will not have my day of justice in court. But I will not quit, because the judicial thieves will celebrate.

The Judge and the lawyers are trying to steal my land, I have property alone the I-85 outer loop area and they want it for profit. You much fight to have the freedom of being a winner, others will appreciate you for helping them. Sometime the fight feels lonely. I can’t really explain how you should fight, but once you start fighting , you will develop weapons to defend yourself.

I even called national television shows, mailed them my paper work and court orders, I have been contacted and local media are assisting (some want). The Judge and the lawyers are saying that I made a threat against a Judge ( Patricia Warner), the court administrator Bruce Howell, has posted fliers of me falsely alleging that that I made threats against the Judge, If you heard the first show on 101. FM, the source, I called the Judge a crook and she is just that "A CROOK."

Again, Do what I am doing, call the national media, they will listen, also call Oprah, but most of all have your documentation. The national media really get a laugh and late night talk shows make a joke of the stupid judges and their shady lawyer pals.

I have not been able to see my son, I have been told that he has been hurt while in the care of this drug user (Betty Barker), DHR is 100% behind covering things up for the family court. Because, they all get money in some fashion for having the kids in foster care. For example, according to the school incident completed by school officials, my 5 year old daughter was in the library and some kid had her pants down with his face between her legs and the DHR coordinator (Peggy Davis ) for the family court, refused to investigate the matter and stated that its normal for a five year old to behave in such manner.
I have a piece of good advice for you, Don’t hire a Jones Law School Graduate, they are all crooks and have a scheme of stealing from you and protecting the other crooks. The Judges, (old and new lawyers), I had 22 of them and three Judges, they are all crooks. My case is now 4 years old and no hearing, just delays and money in their pockets.

Some of my stories have aired on 60 minutes, CNN,BBC, BET and printed in the Wall Street Journal, New York Time, NBC nightly news and Jet Magazine.

(PLEASE DON’T LEAVE) I am asking the group to help and write The Oprah Winfrey Show, to do a National show on this topic. Oprah will help, but the group much help and support the idea. The National media is there to expose the crimes and the crooks in the family court system. Just look at the media attention, the results or what happens to the crooks once the people are feed up, use the media, call and write day time tv shows to create a story idea.

Today is Father’s Day and my kids are not here !
Jessie Tompkins
13180 U.S. Hwy 80E
Pike Road, Ala 36064
June 18th 2006 (6:50p.m.)

Posted by planet/jessietompkins at 5:16 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 June 2006 5:20 PM CDT
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