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The Ellison School


Our School

About Me

Policies and Procedures


Contact Us

Welcome to the Ellison School Website!

The Ellison School is first and foremost a family that is caring and supportive. Close contact among teachers and students, administrators and parents creates a nurturing atmosphere of mutual support. As a community, we stress the importance of cooperation, responsibility, and consideration for others, whether inside Ellison or in the surrounding communities. We provide a safe place for children to learn, to take risks, and to interact with peers. Small class size affords teachers the opportunity to incorporate a variety of teaching methods, encouraging curiosity and love of learning. We strive to make students responsible, independent, lifelong learners by maintaing high standards and providing appropriate role models. The dynamic structure of of our school provides the flexibility that allows us to promote the needs of each student. Our students graduate with confidence in their own abilities, strong foundations in academics, and values that allow them to successfully meet life's challenges.


This website is maintained by Jen Riggio
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