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roffembfl.gif (62822 bytes) GI Alpha Marine Corp roffembfl.gif (62822 bytes)

Code of Conduct

Ranking System

Clan Member Ranks

Other GI Clans

GI Commanding Officers

Standard Equipment


Last updated 5/27/06


Tourney Time

 4v4 MLG Tourney

Want a chance to compete against some of the other GI clans?  On May 30th there will be a GI only tourney and the winning four will get a sponsorship for the next MLG tournament and a chance to represent GI as our first official team to compete.  To be eligible teams must send:

1. Team name

2. Member names (and GI clan each is associated with)

To  by the 29th.  Feel free to team up with members from other GI clans to build your teams. So everyone get your teams and start practicing.  For more info check out the MLG page.

Alpha & Zulu Tourney

We will be holding a tournament for Alpha & Zulu only on the 10th of June. The winner will receive a free 12 month subscription.   For more info go  and sign up with a team of four


Other Games

Have any other games you love to play.  Let us know and we will find like minded players within GI to build a clan.  Joe and Sharpshot just set one up for Ghost  Recon(360) in fact.  Anyone who wants to join go to and set up an account with your gamer tag then you can email me your user name and tag and I will send you an invite.  My email is the letter at the bottom of the page.

Get to Know the Boys

We are trying to put faces with gamer tags.  If your interested in seeing some of your fellow officers out of their armor.  Check out the Standard Equipment page.  If you want to get your picture displayed please email a picture to the address at the bottom of the page.  Just click on the letter.  I can even get your picture off a My Space account.

GI Tags

On a less happy note everybody please remember that you must earn your GI tag.  No one is allowed a GI tag until the rank of Lieutenant.  This is not to keep people down.  We just want to make sure before you represent GI with your name, you have played and worked with us long enough to know what the Gaming International name means, also please make sure you are familiar with the code of conduct for GI because you cannot move up in the ranks without a knowledge of what we expect from all recruits.


heck out our discussion board at .


Email Info

GI members click below on the letter to send me your email information so we can keep in contact.


Email Webmaster