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Natural Childbirthing - Yes, You can Do It!
Natural Childbirthing - Yes, You Can Do It!

Natural Childbirthing - Yes, You Can Do it!
This site is intended to provide my expecting friends and family with advice on natural birthing. After having a wonderful unmedicated birth with my second son, I now feel the need to share my experiences with others who are hoping to have a natural birth. I had a hard time finding helpful information on the subject when I was pregnant so I thought creating a site that lists all the information on one page might prove beneficial to you. Hopefully you will find this site useful and that it will give you enough information to help you achieve that unmedicated birth you are hoping for.




When I was pregnant with my first, I was set on having an unmedicated birth. I read a couple of books on the subject, attended childbirthing classes and spoke to many people who achieved medfree births. I thought I had done all my research. When the day finally came and my contractions started, I had no idea what I was experiencing was back labor. I had briefly read that back labor was caused by the baby facing the wrong way but never thought that I would experience that. After all, my pregnancy with Alex was perfect and there were no problems. And I would have thought that if he was facing the wrong way, my doctor would have told me but that was not the case. My doctor did give me an internal exam just 2 days before I went into labor and I do recall him telling me that he can feel my son's head but never once mentioned he was facing the wrong way. If he would have told me, then I could have done things to correct it before I went into labor. I feel that if my doctor would have informed me that my baby was posterior, I could have had a chance at having my unmedicated birth. What angers me still to this day is that even when I was in labor, they never bothered to tell me once that my son was posterior, that what I was experiencing WAS back labor or offer suggestions on how I can relieve the pain naturally. They were quick to offer me the epidural though. I wasn't told until AFTER I delivered my son that he was facing the wrong way. I know that they knew but just didn't bother to inform me about it.

So, when I got pregnant a second time, I made sure to read as much as I could on posterior babies and in the last stages of pregnancy, I made sure I did all I could to prevent it from happening again and I did go on to deliver naturally! (There is a link to Jonathan's Birth Story at the bottom of this site)

I really don't find that doctors nowadays are informing their patients as much as they should about their options. They are also quick to suggest inductions and epidurals to probably make their job easier on them. But it shouldn't be about what's easier and best for them but what's in the best interest of the mother and child. Having an unmedicated birth is what God intended for us to do. Our bodies are made to give birth vaginally and with no medications. Our ancestors had to do it, so why shouldn't we. Of course, there are times when an unmedicated birth may not be the best option for a mother and child. If the baby or mother's health is at risk, a c-section may be necessary. Or if the pain is so great that the mother's mental state becomes affected, an epidural can be lifesaving! With my first son, I endured 15 hours of PAINFUL, excruciating back labor before I gave in and got an epidural and let me tell you, I really wish I would have gotten it sooner because the pain from back labor is no joke. I was so completely exhausted that it wasn't healthy for me (or the baby) to continue the way I was without meds.

But I believe if the mother and baby are healthy and aren't showing signs of distress, an unmedicated birth IS the way to go!!


1. Natural childbirth is much better for the mother. The mother has a completely different experience during birth if she is not drugged - a significantly more fulfilling and beautiful experience. She also feels much more in control of her body and the health of her baby.

Recovery Time is Also Much Shorter for the mother. Less than an hour after I had Jonathan, I was walking around and you wouldn't have guessed that I just had given birth to a baby a short time prior.

2. Natural childbirth is much better for the baby. The baby arrives in an undrugged and therefore much more active and alert state. It is amazing to see videotapes showing the differences between drugged and undrugged babies immediately after birth. Undrugged babies are active and responsive. Drugged babies can barely move.

3. Natural childbirth is much better for the family. When an alert and active (undrugged) baby is placed on the abdomen of an alert and undrugged mother, an amazing thing happens: the baby and mother bond in a significant and real way. The baby will naturally find the breast and begin feeding. The baby will make significant eye contact with the mother and father and respond to them. This simply does not happen when mother and child are drugged, and as a result breastfeeding starts off on a much rockier road.


Besides eating well and exercising, here are a few other things that can help prepare you and your body for natural childbirth:

*Choose a Supportive Practitioner. Whether you go with an obstetrician or a midwife, be sure that they support your birthing plans and that they have a lot of experience caring for women who have had unmedicated births.

*Take A Childbirth Education Class and Research different Birthing Methods (Bradley, Lamaze, Hypnobirthing, Birthing from Within, etc.) Most hospitals and birthing centers offer childbirth education classes. These classes are a good way to help you prepare for your labor and delivery, especially if you are a first time parent. They cover all aspects of labor and delivery, including breathing techniques, hospital procedures, stages of labor and pain relief during labor. You can also find classes in your area that specialize in the teachings of a specific birthing method, such Lamaze or Hypnobirthing.

Click Here to read about some of the most common birthing methods and how to register for these classes.

*Read As Many Books on Childbirthing As You Can!
Some highly recommended books are:
-Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
-Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
-Birthing from Within by Pam England
-Having A Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
*Talk To Other Women who Have Given Birth Naturally. Surround yourself with only women who have positive birth stories to share. Don't be shy to ask a lot of questions. I'm sure they will be more than happy to offer advice. There will always be women who have these horrible, negative birth stories to tell you about but you can just tell them that you made yourself a promise to only surround yourself with positive ones - use the 'Thanks but No Thanks Approach' or you can just simply tune them out! Just because they had a bad birthing experience, doesn't mean you will! I have a link to some positive birth stories below!

*Be Sure to Let your Doctor/Midwife, Doula and Spouse know what your birthing plans are. Write up a birth plan and provide them each a copy of it. I have a link below to a great site that helps you create a birth plan.

*Find New Ways to Relax. Having a relaxation tool box is key for an unmedicated birth. You need to find out what relaxes you now and practice those things before you go into labor. Does deep breathing soothe you? A bath? Rocking on a yoga ball? Getting a back rub? You can use many of these things to relax and relieve pain during labor! I alternated between the shower, my yoga ball, the toilet and the rocking chair for most of my labor with Jonathan.

*Release Your Fears. Be willing to face your fears of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood BEFORE you go into labor. Talk them out with someone you trust (partner, provider, friend) and try to find ways to overcome them. You want your mind and body to be free of these worrying thoughts and emotions when the big day comes!

*Do your Kegels! A Kegel is an exercise that strenghten your pelvic floor muscles to help make childbirthing, especially pushing, easier!

Click Here to Find out More about Kegels and How to do Them.

*Look into Hiring a Doula. A doula is an experienced woman who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a woman during labor, birth and the immediate postpartum period. It can be expensive to hire one but worth considering.

The presence of a doula has been shown to reduce the following during labor**:
50% Reduction in C-Section Rate
25% Reduction in Length of Labor
40% Reduction in Forceps Use
60% Reduction in Epidural Requests

** From the ground breaking book, Mothering the Mother, Marshall H. Klaus, M.D., John H. Kennell, M.D., and Phyllis H. Klaus, M.Ed., C.S.W., 1993

Click Here to See How a Doula Can Help You!

Click Here to Find a Doula Near You!

*"Prepare" your Cervix. Evening Primrose Oil comes in small capsules (like Vitamin E) that you can buy at health food stores. EPO acts as a prostaglandin, which helps soften or ripen your cervix. It does NOT induce labor but apparently it does "prepare" your cervix for delivery. I started taking 500mg 3 times a day orally 2 weeks before my due date and I think that could be what helped me dilate quicker. When I got to the hospital with Jonathan, I was already 7 cm dilated! You can also insert them vaginally. I never tried it but you can look online to get more information on how to do that. Also, DO ask your doctor/midwife before starting these and do NOT start taking them before you hit your 37th week of pregnancy.

I also did want to add here that I do NOT recommend natural labor inducers if you plan on going medfree and are NOT overdue. Many, such as, nipple stimulation, sex and membrane stripping, can cause very strong, long, intense contractions and you don't want that when attempting a natural, unmedicated delivery. Walking is the only thing I recommend to try to "induce" labor. Don't worry, your baby WILL come when s/he is ready and when your body is ready! No need to rush things! Let Mother Nature take its course!

If you are considering a medical induction (pitocin, breaking water, prostaglandin gels), I suggest you see where you rate on Bishop's Score. Scoring 8 or above would indicate that the induction should prove successful but anything under can increase your chances of a lenghty, painful labor or an increased possibility of a c-section.

This interactive site can calculate your score for you.

*Find out your baby's presentation in the last few weeks. If your doctor/midwife performs internal exams in your last weeks of pregnancy, be sure to ask them what way your baby is facing. If your baby is facing posterior (facing up), you will want to start doing exercises to help the baby turn so that you don't experience back labor. I have a link below that talks about how to prevent a posterior labor.

*Have a "Plan B." There is no such thing as failing at giving birth. You are not a failure if you choose to have an epidural or if you end up with a C-section. Make sure that any birth plan you develop has some flexibility built into it. Bringing a baby into this world is a powerful experience no matter how it happens.


*When contractions start, try to stay home as long as possible. (This is assuming that you aren't considered high risk and that you are having a healthy pregnancy.) The sooner you go to the hospital, the more likely you will get an epidural or pitocin.

*Have Supportive, Encouraging People by Your Side, Such as your partner, your nurse/midwife, a doula, a family member, a friend. Hearing things like "You can do it!" and "You're doing great!" will give you that motivation you need! It's also nice to have someone nearby to massage or rub your back!

**Remind your midwife/nurse/doctor about your plans to have a medfree birth. Be sure to bring a copy of your birth plan with you to the hospital.
*Whatever you do, DON'T stay in bed or labor on your back. When you get to the hospital, the nurse will hook you up to a machine that monitors your contractions and the baby's heartrate. If all seems to be fine, feel free to get out of bed and move around. Walking and Squatting are two things you want to do a lot of. It helps the baby move down into position!

*Labor where you feel most comfortable and relaxed...whether that be on a birthing ball, in the tub, in the shower, on the toilet, on a rocking chair. Do whatever feels natural and follow your instincts.

*It's also REALLY important to relax in between contractions to conserve your energy and strength. Take a few sips of water to prevent your mouth from getting dry and close your eyes, take long, deep breathes and concentrate on your breathing. Listening to music or having someone massage you can help relax you as well. Also, this might sound crazy but envisioning your cervix opening or "blossoming into a flower" and imagining your baby moving down into the birth canal in between contractions has been said to help! I did this and I swear it does work!

*It's All in the Breathing! When you take a childbirthing class, they will teach you how to breathe correctly during each stage of labor. As you get closer to delivering your baby, your breathing will becoming stronger and a little faster (but NOT panting). I have a site below that talks about proper breathing during labor.

*Don't be Shy to Vocalize during Contractions. Some women feel the need to vocalize during active labor/transition and it's actually beneficial. It's shown to lower anxiety levels and help with concentration so go ahead and groan, moan, grunt all you like...but be sure to keep them low-pitched! High-pitched sounds can cause tension and anxiety and will only drain your energy!

*Have a Focal Point. A focal point is a certain item or location in the room that you focus on to take your mind off the pain and contractions or to encourage you during labor. It could be a picture of a loved one, a teddy bear or just a spot on the ceiling. Mine was the clock in the delivery room. When the contractions started getting really intense, I'd just stare at the clock and concentrate on the moving second arm. I found it did help.

*Don't Push With your Facial Muscles. Your body will want to do this but don't. When it's time to push, take a deep breathe, hold it, be sure to RELAX your facial muscles (NO eye squinting, nose scrunching, tightened lips...), bring your chin to your chest, pull your legs back (if you're on your back) and push towards the pain in your bottom for the duration of the contraction. It's best if you DON'T have someone counting while you're pushing! There is no need to since a contraction hardly ever lasts a full 10 seconds. Also don't scream...put that energy into pushing instead! You won't believe how much of a difference it makes when you push this way. Oh, and if I can add...don't hold back on pushing because you are afraid of pooping! If it happens, it happens. Doctors are used to seeing it and believe me, they won't even flinch if it happens! If you hold back, it will only prolong the pushing so push away! :)

*The "Ring of Fire" Isn't as Bad as it Sounds! When I took childbirthing classes, they always talked about the "ring of fire". I envisioned it as being an extremely painful, burning sensation that lasted for hours while the baby's head came down. Actually, this is what I was most nervous about experiencing when I planned to go natural. But much to my surprise, when I felt the "ring of fire" with Jonathan, it only lasted a few seconds and actually wasn't painful per was a different kind of "pain" a relieving pain...or discomfort!

Once you feel this sensation (and you WILL know when you experience it), remember to stop pushing to decrease the risk of tearing.

Click Here to read more on the "Ring of Fire" - Crowning.
*And lastly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY! You will be surprised at what your body is capable of doing when you put your mind to it! You CAN do it! Good Luck & Happy Birthing! :)

Breathe - Faith Hill

Good Sites To Check Out!

Trust Birth (Video)
Read Some Inspirational Birth Stories
Link To An Interactive Birth Plan
Free Online Childbirth Classes
How to Prevent A Posterior Labor (Back Labor)
Turning a Breech Baby
The Stages of Labor
Breathing Techniques for Natural Childbirth
Effective Birthing Positions during Each Labor Stage
VERY Interesting HypnoBirthing Documentary on Dateline
Great Breastfeeding Resource Site
