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Welcome to my website....

I am going to try and use this space to create my own personalize web page and to also help me in creating a powerpoint presentation.

First of all, my name is Esteban Galvan, but everyone calls me Charlie. It's a long story and explaining it would force me to create another web page. I am a junior at the University of Houston and am currently taking ITEC 1301. This is a required course in my degree plan of Construction Management. So this course, ITEC 1301, is a lot of work. For example, there are 6 total different projects that we create (microsoft office word, excel, powerpoint, etc). And I see this as a perfect example to kill two birds with one stone. I am going to use this project 6 (creating a website with HTML) to help me finish project 4.

How am I going to use this web site to help me....?

  1. By helping utilize my HTML writing skills
  2. By helping me complete all requirements for this project
  3. By helping me....finish these projects and get that A!

    I also have a lot of hobbies....

    • I enjoy sports
    • I like collecting knights
    • And I like to cook.

      This is one of my knights. I got him when I went to Las Vegas.

      (This pic has been edited with Adobe Photoshop).

      I always visit these sites....

      Natalia Fofanova My ITEC 1301 Professor
      University of Houston My University!
      CNN Sports Illustrated My Sports
      Project 6 Instructions to Project 6 (Word Document)
      Omega Delta Phi My Fraternity

      Click me to go back.... Click me to email me....