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Insegnante: Tina Barbalace - BACHELOR OF ARTS, major in English and Italian, Italian Honour and Diploma in Education.


Formulario d`iscrizione - Lezioni d`inglese ONLINE

Corsi d` Inglese. Cliccate qui
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Italian Courses for Beginners and Advanced students.
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Tempra de` baldi giovani
il confidente ingegno:...

Un'avventura meravigliosa

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Opera House


Le lezioni d`inglese ONLINE gestite da B A T Pty Ltd sono una piacevole avventura che non volete perdere.

Quando inizierete i vostri corsi con B A T vi renderete conto che imparare una nuova lingua e` piu` un gioco che un lavoro.

I corsi di B A T si seguono con facilita`.

B A T Pty Ltd vi porta una nuova lingua in casa in un modo divertente e libero da ogni preoccupazione.
Sarete liberi di scegliere il tempo stabilito per finire il vostro corso. Volete un corso accelerato? Fate le lezioni in modo piu` spedito. Volete rallentare il vostro studio della nuova lingua? Soffermatevi, riflettete, divertitevi e poi... ritornate al vostro lavoro.

Welcome English Lessons - Method of payment and General Information


B A T English languages learning is an Internet fun Adventure
which you wouldn`t want to miss.

When you use B A T languages learning you feel you are having fun rather than working.

B A T language learning is easy.

B A T Pty Ltd brings instant language learning in a fun and carefree way.

You can follow the courses all at one go or at your pace.

Non te la prendere

La legge del Contrappasso a cura di Alessandro Manzoni - Parte 1.

...But as Don Rodrigo walked along he began to feel a discomfort, a fatigue, a weakness in the legs, a difficulty in drawing breath, and a feeling of internal burning which he would have been only too happy to attribute to the wine he had drunk, the lateness of the hour and the time of the year. ...
"Griso!" said Don Rodrigo, sitting up with difficulty, "you have always been a faithful servant."
"Yes, sir."
"And I`ve always been good to you."
"You`ve been very kind, sir."
"You are the one man I think I can trust."
"But listen, Griso; give me a glass of water before you go. I`ve got a burning inside me that`s more than I can bear."

"No, sir," said Griso, "You`d better not have anything without the doctor`s approval..."
... "Why, you dirty traitor. Get away, you scum! Biondino! Carlotto! Help! Murder! cried Don Rodrigo. He thrust his hand under the pillow in search of a pistol: he grabbed it and pulled it out. But the monatti had made a dash for the bed at his first cry. The quicker of the two got to him before he could do anything, seized the pistol from his hand, and threw it across the room. ..."

La legge del Contrappasso a cura di Alessandro Manzoni - Parte 2.

"Hold on to him until we`re ready to take him away,"
said his colleague, walking over towards a cabinet.
Just then Griso came in, and began to
help him to smash the lock."
The monatti picked him up, on holding his feet and
the other his shoulders, and put him on the
stretcher which they had left in the adjoning room.
Griso stayed behind to make a further rapid choice
of whatever might be useful to him...
He had been very careful not to touch the monatti,
nor to let them touch him. But in that last rapid search,
he had picked up the clothes which Don Rodrigo had
left by the bed, and had given them a shake,...
The following day, however, he did have occasion to
give the matter some further thought; for as he sat
guzzling in a tavern, he was suddenly overtaken by a
trembling fit,his eyes were dazzled by the light, the
strength left his limbs, and he fell to the floor. His
companions deserted him, and he fell into
the hands of the monatti...

...Alessandro Manzoni: The Betrothed