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A powerful secret is within your grasp...



This is not a toy or a magic trick.

This is not an illusion or a Ninja technique.

No Lies! Become 100% invisible!

The Secret of Invisibility is an amazing book that renders you completely invisible.

This method is currently used by the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies.

Don't Scoff! You CAN go anywhere without being seen.

You're invisible to all you meet... NOT EVEN A SHADOW.

This works even when you're completely surrounded by cameras or people.

Lets you vanish & reappear as you wish, wherever you may be!

- Kept secret for thousands of years -

This isn't new... far from it. The fantastic rumors of human invisibility have been whispered throughout the generations. Somehow, elite 'inner societies' had dis-covered the keys of human invisibility and could walk unseen among people. They'd vanish from sight, even in the middle of a crowd; only to reappear as they wished and desired.

Thousands of years passed. Empires grew and decayed. Kingdoms crumbled, lying buried and all but forgotten but the astounding rumors never died: invisibility was possible!

IT WAS TRUE. Those who controlled the invisibility secret could manifest an invisible state and could walk freely among people; doing almost anything while completely invisible to the naked eye.

The Secret of Invisibility has survived the ages but was always under the control of its strict masters...

Until NOW

  • NO mumbo-jumbo or hocus pocus
  • NO spells or potions
  • NO burning candles or magic wands
  • NO alchemy or hidden symbols
  • NO hype or Bull. You get what you need
  • NO danger. You can't be hurt in any way
  • NO disappointment. You get just what we promise
  • No astral 'trips' to other worlds or dimensions. You walk the earth
  • No disappointment. You're either visible or invisible as you desire

This is one of the best-kept secrets of the ages! A secret so powerful that throughout history, men have literally died trying to discover its key.

Don't let your doubts stop you!

This works.

ONLY $24.95

Click here to: Buy It Now

You can read a preview HERE.

As a special bonus, you also receive:

The Wizard's Book of Animal Secrets

Amazing animal secrets! Have you ever wished that you could control & command wild animals? Here are the secret methods used to rule & command birds, insects, mammals & reptiles... even fish found in lakes & streams!

Vividly illustrates how to control animals for your pleasure.

-- Closely guarded against disclosure to the public --

Here's just a sample of what you get:

A strong command over animals is one of the cornerstones of being a wizard. Now, the age-old methods used to control wild beasts & domestic animals are fully revealed!

If you're looking for something different: THIS IS IT!

Remember, you get BOTH books!


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Available in English. Disponible en Español. Disponible en Français. Vorhanden auf Deutsch. Disponível no Português. Disponibile in Italiano. Beschikbaar in het Nederlands.

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