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THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM: A Wizard Apprenticeship Workshop Series
for Compassionate Inter-dimensional Transformation

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Here We Are

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Norway, USA and the Unityverse

THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM: A Wizard Apprenticeship Workshop Series
for Compassionate Interdimensional Transformation

An intuitive training program teaching tools for wizards working in compassionate service, energy healing, dowsing, homeopathy, flower and vibrational essences.

Intro! THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM: Compassionate Dowsing Overview

Workshops!Learn the Art of Intuitive Readings using THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM

NEW!Nordic Essences - Environmental Essences



Workshops for Wizard Apprenticeship

NORWAY EVENTS - Summer 2000

26 MAI 2000 - INTRODUCTION TO THE NORDIC ESSENCES, Norway, KL.19:00 Gratis, Email: barolet@get2net.dk

2-3 SEPT 2000 - THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM: COMPASSINATE DOWSING WORKSHOP, Arendal, Norway, Lrdag & Sondag, 1000 nok, TLF.33385372, Email: barolet@get2net.dk

The UnityWizard of Compassion
practicing his 8Hz Gaze.

Below is a photo of the founder of the Wizard School, taken a few years back, as he happily clears the path in front of his home.

Young Apprentice Warming Up
in the Early Years

click the mailbox to email The Wizard School

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Last Update 8 Nov 2000
Copyright 1999-2000, Randall Barolet. All rights reserved.
Send questions or comments to

Looking for a starship ride? This one moves at the speed of compassion, and this graphic of the vortexijah diamondbody starship is provided by Ananda/Emmanuel, ATON Institute, Bagn, Norway.

Easy to Assemble Instructions Provided

All you need to do is attend a DiamondBody Training, and practice what you learn.

ATON, ANANDA/EMMANUEL This link will transport you directly to the gateway of the combined ATON, ANANDA/EMMANUEL, and ODIN site, where you can explore hyperspatially to your Heart's content.

TIME GATE with ANANDA And for those of you who may wish to visit his site with links related to TIME WAVE work and TIME GATE gatherings, just use this link.


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Events and How to Register

Each event will be posted on this page and a link placed on the Wizard School Homepage as it is scheduled, along with event details, dates and cost.

Since we are not able to process credit card orders,
the simple and easy way to register is just to send us an email,
either by clicking HERE or on any of the email links on our site.

Just mention the event, seminar or workshop, and we will respond promptly by email, sending you verification of your booking.
Then, simply mail us a check, and we will mail you a registration receipt
immediately upon receipt of the check.

If you would like, you may also call us by telephone
in Denmark at (countrycode) (45)-50102407. eMailing address: R.Barolet, barolet@get2net.dk

NORWAY EVENTS - Summer-Fall 2000

17 AUGUST 2000 - INTRODUCTION TO THE NORDIC ESSENCES, Tnsberg, Tolvsrd, Norway, TLF. 33332001 eller 33385372, Email: barolet@get2net.dk

2-3 SEPT 2000 - COMPASSINATE DOWSING WORKSHOP, Arendal, Norway, Lrdag & Sondag, 1000 nok, TLF.33385372, Email: barolet@get2net.dk

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Last Update 8 Nov 2000
Copyright 1999-2000, Randall Barolet. All rights reserved.
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Compassionate Dowsing

Using Awareness, Compassion and Integration to Offer Intuitive Readings

The natural mind is without knowing or not-knowing; happiness or anguish.
Thus the meaning of 'mindfulness' is awareness similar to the sky.
The great wisdom is free from all conceptualization.
At this time whatever arises manifests as completely perfect. Wonderful! Amazing!

-- Mipham Jamyang Dorje Rinpoche (1846-1914), has attempted to point out the "true nature of mind" in Dzogchen view

Dowsing, also known as ‘radiesthesia,’ is a means of finding resonance, or matching of overall vibrational pattern, between any two or more alternatives; whether these be things, places, people, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, habitual behaviours, psychological characteristics, energetic imbalances, illness states, positive inputs, compassionate awareness, surgical procedure, biomedical evaluation, physical therapies, healing modalities, spiritual practices, or any other items of information that support life, love and light.

THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM is a comprehensive, integrated flow chart of healing possibilities that can serve as a guide for the practice of allowing reception of intuitive readings. It helps us to have a conversation, in which we open to receive the answer from ourselves as All-Is-God, in response to a question that we ask as All-Is-God. In a way, it is just another practice of meditation, or All-Oneness beingness, in service.

This flow chart is designed to be of service by finding what is needed to assist in taking the next step on one's chosen path, whether conceived of as health or disease, beginning with the fewest assumptions possible on the part of the consultant. While it is possible to use this flow chart through clairvoyance alone, (sometimes referred to as 'deviceless dowsing'), another option is to utilize clairsentience, for example dowsing with the aid of a pendulum,. This is simply a method of intuitively recognizing a match, or correspondence, between a question that asks for what is needed, and that which provides it. The original version of this INTEGRATING SYSTEM flow chart, created by Kearney Buskirk, a colleague in California, has been modified and clinically applied by numerous healers and other consultants from the 1980’s to the present. I have used it as the ‘hub’ or ‘pivot’ of my own healing practice since 1985, and I can report that it has served well as a healing force for clients and for myself during fourteen years of continuous use in several different contexts, with a focus on alleviating suffering by facilitating the process of human soul-unfoldment and entry into a Contemplative View which we can call awareness of All-Oneness, or All-Is-God.

When we pay attention with open hearts and minds, we realize that in healing, as in life, anything can happen. Compassion and Awareness are the healers -- we simply catch and ride the wave if our Intention and Motivation is clear -- no claim, no blame. Although conventionally there is a ‘designated healer,’ that person at times may be as much the ‘client’ as the ‘healer.’ And conversely, the ‘designated client’ may find they are the ‘healer.’ When Heart is open we allow the merging into Oneness, and in this zero point of stillness all is accomplished -- instantly. At the point of stillness, explanations seem inadequate, and they evaporate or dissolve. Yet we can communicate our experience of approach to the core, and our experience of entry into All-Oneness consciousness. This simple and clear communication is one aspect of service with the flow chart. Truth is One, paths to that Truth are many. Spiritual healing with this flow chart is one of these numerous paths. It is not the Truth, but simply points to a means of approach to that Truth. It is offered in that spirit, to be used if it serves you as a spiritual traveler on the Way.

Approximately forty pages comprise the basic flow chart in its current incarnation, plus some extra dowsing charts and references. However, the intention is that you feel completely free to adapt it according to the particular experience of your practice as a place of creativity, service, healing and inspiration. As you work with it, you may find that you wish to modify it to suit your own experience and style of practice. For example, you may:

add therapies that you use, but which do not appear in this version of the flowchart

add your own methods for assessment, intuitive or knowledge-based

add new therapies with which you would like to develop a basic knowledge

remove that with which you do not feel inclined to work for now

remove items that consistently fail to show up in your experience with readings

use it as a part of a larger scope of practice

use it as a means to expand the scope of your practice, according to your own guidance

’It's totally flexible, and we encourage you to look at it with a light heart and an open mind. There really is no limit to what may be done with this flow chart, providing that one is aware of and observes two basic guidelines, noticed and verified by several practitioners over a period of decades of use:

(1) As far as humanly possible, to remain pure in the motivation to serve; facilitating soul unfoldment through Compassion and Awareness as a path to alleviate suffering.

(2) To observe if there is a genuine need for the reading, which is expressed directly by the person(s), being(s), or collective situation that is receiving the benefit of the reading.

These two guidelines are highly recommended for peaceful and easy use of this dowsing approach in service to the One Creator as the soul-unfoldment of the ‘client’. Mindful care with these two basic tips will help to avoid many potential pitfalls ! We invite you to ENJOY !

Randall Barolet, Norway and USA

Overview of the Integrating System

Pages 1 - 10 For use in overall scanning

Finding factors of context for the reading: one’s own clarity and readiness for the reading; the need for referral for evaluation or therapy; broad description of the current condition, cause(s), presence of denial as a significant factor; habits affecting health, healing methods search, etc.

A Few Sample Specific Questions: What is the reason for lack of improvement? What is the most accurate understanding of the denial present in this person at this time? Is evaluation and/or therapy by me in the best interests of this person?

Pages 11 - 37 For use in finding the ‘details’ of understanding and/or therapy

Finding the ‘most accurate understanding’ of a current condition; details of specific therapy(ies) from within a broad general healing method which will provide current optimal benefit.

A Few Sample Specific Questions: Is a single or multiple homeopathic remedy needed first, perhaps to clear a toxic focus? Is it most effective to use physical therapy or to work with bringing awareness to beliefs about power, or to use both simultaneously? Which particular flower essences combination will best assist self-acceptance and self-love?


Randall Barolet is a practicing intuitive healer, teacher and writer. After education in engineering science, environmental planning, film and television production, and as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, he worked as a health care practitioner and teacher for over 20 years, providing intuitive readings for his clients for 14 of those years. He has apprenticed with traditional Chinese doctors, psychologists, homeopaths, dowsers, energy healers and spiritual teachers in developing his work, which assists clients and seminar participants to practice ways of discovering, recognizing and creating health from within, using their own path of awakening to recall the clear and radiant emptiness of our natural mind. Working with our life paths, which sometimes bring us into states of relative imbalance, suffering or disease, we can begin to see each experience as an integral part of our soul-unfoldment process, which is inviting us to awaken in and beyond our personalities to recollect sky-like awareness. This is a self-settled, vivid awareness free from conception---the awareness that remembers the whole universe is inside us in each moment. In other words, we can be 'finding what is needed' in each moment, by simply asking in the Zero Point of compassionate stillness and emptiness. Using traditional and modern techniques of spiritual dowsing, an open integration of Healing Diversity as One Unity, and humorous inspiration, his seminars work with people discovering the wonderful nature of life's journey as a multi-dimensional and shared experience of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

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Last Update 1 Sept 2008
Copyright 1999-2009, Randall Barolet. All rights reserved.
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Compassionate Dowsing

Learning to use an intuitive perspective

similar to remote viewing methods,

we can observe from the infinite within,

find compassionate understanding and specific therapeutics,

and take the next step on our paths

The focus of this workshop will be to bring our intuitive knowing to the forefront of the healing process so that we practice a unity of intuition, compassion, healing, and medicine, going beyond their separation, which has often been the rule in conventional forms of practice.

Randall will present a practice similar to remote viewing, using a flowchart of questions, known as THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM since the early 1980's, whereby we can expand the possibilities open to our clients and to ourselves, possibilities which include and go beyond those suggested by modern bio-medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, physical therapies, psychological and other healing models. A clear and practical method for intuitively reading the condition of the physical-etheric, emotional, mental and causal-spiritual bodies will be presented in detail. This will allow you to use your higher-self connection to obtain very specific information which is beneficial to your client or yourself now.

Each participant will receive over 40 pages of handouts, and the dowsing charts needed to practice the art of intuitive readings using the INTEGRATING SYSTEM as a guide to help find what will provide the current optimal benefit from a soul or spiritual perspective. This method may be used in your practice, whether it is personal or professional in nature, or both, as it adapts well for use with many healing arts, such as counseling, flower essences, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, nutrition, or other forms of energetic healing.

This integral process is designed to help us in the discovery of the individual and specific essentials which best meet our clients’ needs, and our own needs, for healing. This is particularly relevant when we seem to be stuck, or not responsive, on our path. Using active learning methods, Randall will involve seminar participants in practicing the skills of opening to receive specific guidance from our Unity-Self, including working with pendulum dowsing as one method of focusing our intuition.

The workshop will appeal to any person or health care practitioner who wishes to develop the use of their intuition and Unity-Self guidance in practical ways, as well as those wishing to explore what it means to be fully human and live with activated heart-will and a compassionate view.

* * * * * * *

Randall Barolet is a practicing intuitive healer, teacher and writer. After education in engineering science, environmental planning, film and television production, and as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, he worked as a health care practitioner and teacher for over 20 years, providing intuitive readings using THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM for 14 of those years, assisting clients and seminar participants to practice ways of discovering, recognizing and creating health from within, using their own divinity, the clear and radiant emptiness of our natural mind. Working with our life paths, which may bring us into relative imbalance, suffering or disease, we begin to see these states as an integral part of our soul-unfoldment process, which is inviting us to awaken in and beyond our personalities to recollect sky-like awareness. This is a self-settled, vivid awareness free from conception---the awareness that remembers the whole universe is inside us in each moment. Using an intuitive reading method known as THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM, and humorous inspiration, his seminars work with people discovering the wonderful nature of life's journey as a multi-dimensional and shared experience of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We can be 'finding what is needed' in each moment, by simply asking from the compassionate view of stillness and emptiness. He may be contacted directly by email: barolet@get2net.dk


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Last Update 1 Sept 2000
Copyright 1999-2000, Randall Barolet. All rights reserved.
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