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God's Inner Voice on Religious Conflict, terrorism, religion

God, Religious Conflict, Terrorism and Religion

God speaks to us. It is the inner voice of love that talks to us and tries to guide us, if we are only willing to listen. This inner voice of God is called by some people the conscience, some call it the higher self, some call it the Holy Spirit, Jesus called it the Spirit of truth. God's Voice is always with us, but so often because of our ego, self-righteousness, or false pride, we are not willing to listen. God sees our free-will errors, and grieves over both our false pride and self-righteous. So God cries out for us to listen and correct our errors, but it is our choice.

God does not make demands of us, for love makes no demands, it is only acceptance as we are, and forgiveness of our errors. God gave us a free-will, to do good or evil, but as a loving father God tries to guide us. God's crying out is the expression of  the infinite Love of a father for His confused and fearful children. As the fear of religious conflict and terrorism grows and engulfs the world, it is only our loving Father who can guide and comfort us.
Jesus quote: the inner voice of God John 15:26, 16:13

Religious Conflict and Terrorism - We Must Listen To God Now

Terrorism is not new to our age. Religious conflict has been occurring since the beginning of organized religion. In the name of God, throughout history, there has been countless cases of religious wars sowing terror, destruction and death. Terrorism was used as an instrument to change religious belief, motivating both the martyrdom of the early Christians and the Inquisition. Religious conflict does not honor God.with its killing, destruction and terror.  God has been used by men seeking political power to justify many acts of evil, terrorism, and war. Religious conflict has never been of God. It is God's will that someday religious conflict will end, for it only saddens a loving father while dishonoring Him.
Bible quote: God on war, terrorism, killing - Isaiah 2:4
Jesus quote: war, terrorism, and killing - Matthew 5:21

Any religious belief system can be invoked or used for benevolent or evil purposes. People in times of trouble pray to God (by whatever name they know Him) for protection and help. But they also pray for justice and revenge. God is both our master and servant, and His will is subject to our interpretation. In the Islamic holy book the Qur'an (5: 48) it is stated:
quran on religious conflict and religion - 5:48
Yet this same Qur'an was interpreted by one man and his followers to justify the death, destruction, and terror of September 11.

.Religious Conflict - Why

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