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-Insert near the beginning of show please-

Gavin Disc- Tonight Bone Smasher has invited a very special guest to join our audience, a multiple time Hall of Fame wrestler and a multiple time World and Heavy Weight Champion in federations peppering the globe. He is the once great HcW’s Hardcore Icon! Da’ Big Rig Scott Carr!

The camera switches to ring side. Behind the guard rail sitting in the front row is a hulk of a man, dawning an RSW Battle Of The Clans PPV hoody and a black baseball cap on backwards he stands up towering over the fans standing all around him, pulling up the sleeves revealing his thickly muscled and heavily tattooed forearms. It’s apparent he is over seven feet tall and must weight nearly four hundred pounds. He smiles a warm sincere smile of gratitude and motions to the ring proclaiming he came to see a fight as a fan hands him an RSW Introduction poster to sign.

James Red- He’s HUGE! My god, did they have to take the roof off and helicopter-drop his ass in the arena? He has to be over seven feet tall if he’s an inch at all!

Gavin Disc- He’s a big man with an impressive past but tonight he’s here to watch the action James, calm down.

James Red- Thank heavens I don’t think any man in their right mind wants to get in the ring with him.

-The following inserts (numbered below) can/could be placed in any order between the first and last inserts they are written to be taking place between matches.-

Gavin Disc- What an amazing match! I can’t believe how that ended!

James Red- I know, Gavin. What a stunning upset that was!

To the side of the ring we see DBR stand again, applauding the efforts of both competitors and enticing the audience around him to cheer more fervidly than before.

Gavin Disc- From my research I found that DBR not only has attained many accolades in his career but as you can see he is also an avid fan of the sport himself, and as such has garnered himself a nearly cult-like following in the sport.

James Red- You found all that out? Then why can’t I find anything?

Gavin Disc- Well James, perhaps if someone took the time to show you how to actually USE the internet rather than abuse yourself while on certain sites… you could have found all this out just as easily as I did.

James Red- Oh, is that Really So? Ok Smart guy… Where is this monster of a man from?

Gavin Disc- A small town outside of Ottawa Ontario, Canada’s capital city… It’s called Arnprior County. I looked that up as well, and quite frankly the town seems a sincere contrast to the acts of unmitigated violence I witnessed in downloaded videos.

James Red- There! See Gavin? All my down loaded videos are of sweet-sweet love…

Gavin Disc- With teenage Asian boys in drag…

James Red- What?

Gavin Disc- Nothing James I was just saying you were a man among men!

James Red- Oh… Good. That’s right, and don’t you forget it!

Gavin Disc- Oh I’ll never forget it James… provided though, that you keep me from knowing that those men would need to be doing things to each other that you couldn’t pay a crack whore with low self esteem who’s drying up with a bad Jones to do.

James Red- You’re a jerk sometimes Gavin.

Gavin Disc- But I’m a jerk that knows how to use the history button on our internet window You freaky little monkey. I mean really what was that thing with the hamsters? No, No, REALLY explain that to me. Actually… please, spare me and just never mind. Now, speaking of men doing terrible things to each other – that I can stomach seeing - let’s get down to our next match! Now James, this should be less graphic but it could be more hardcore!

James Red- I hate you sometimes Gavin.

Gavin Disc- But we always love Red Star Wrestling!

James Red- God I hate you so much right now.

Insert#2 Suggested after commercial break of some sort.

Gavin Disc- Once again we’re back! Red Star Wrestling Proudly introduces Battle Of The Clans! I’m Gavin Disc back with my partner and co-commentator, James Red!

James Red- Thank you Gavin, so far tonight we’ve seen Wins and losses that impressed and amazed, we’ve seen matches with such intensity that this reported hopes will never fade from our ranks. Our first night here on air has been something out of a dream, the spectators are going off the building is about to come down around us from the cheers of these crazed wrestling fans!

Gavin Disc- Let’s just lay our hope in that a better fight doesn’t break out in the stands.

James Red- If it does I’m getting the hell out of here before that DBR character gets involved.

Gavin Disc- I wouldn’t worry if I was you Red. As far back as I can find on him, DBR has never once in his career hit a woman.

James Red- yeah well how does that help m- Gavin… go straight to hell.

Gavin Disc- Now here appears our Ring Announcer Andrew Flask! Ready and Steady with a Microphone in his hand! Brace yourselves we’re preparing for the next match!

James Red- As if you just called me a woman on national television, ON OUR SECOND BROADCAST!

Gavin Disc- Well perhaps you could talk to DBR, I’ve found he does give heavily to charity, I’m sure he has some space in his heart for a BURN VICTIM! HA!

#3 – Suggested after someone has gone backstage through the entrance curtain.

The curtain flutters shut as he disappears, the cameras pan around the audience once more stopping on the towering monster known as DBR, and he doesn’t notice the cameras at first as fans crowd him asking for autographs that he seems more than to give out. DBR spots the camera and stands up, raising his thick right arm high into the air and contorting his hand into the devil horns high sign brandished on his backwards baseball cap. The several fans around him all throw theirs up for him as well as fans scattered throughout the arena that are familiar with the huge athlete in attendance tonight. DBR turns back to the camera as those raised devil horns begin to rock and we oh so faintly hear the sporadic distant chants of “DBR-DBR-DBR” as taps his hand over his heart and goes back to signing any autograph he’s asked for by the mobbing group of fans at ringside.

Gavin Disc- That man knows what this industry is about.

James Red- Why, because he signs autographs? People ask me for autographs.

Gavin Disc- The difference is, his are worth something to these people.

James Red- Are you saying they don’t like me? Well watch this!

Gavin Disc- Oh crap James, James it was a joke buddy!

James Red takes a microphone and fearlessly walks up to DBR who is still signing autographs on even RSW Merchandise. James takes the fine permanent marker right out of DBR’s hand, or at least he tries to, pulling DBR’s arm with it the first time and getting little or no response against any of his subsequent yanks on the writing implement. James lets the marker go and DBR looks at him somewhat confused.

James Red- I want to know who you think you are coming in here and just throwing your name all over RSW product! These people paid hard earned dollars to come see Red Star Wrestling, not sound outsider scab who is willing to tag anything he can get his hands on.

DBR-Buddy, dude, calm yourself there some, these people asked me to sign this stuff; I figured at the very least I owe them that. I mean if it weren’t for them I’d still be home in Arnprior County doing whatever else life had lead me to do. These fans are what make our sport so amazing, not the company they choose to praise us in.

Gavin Disc- Well said.

James Red- That’s Crap! You’re a glory hog! You come on down here you make a big scene, you get my broadcast partner to tell off color jokes about me, you’ve got RSW fans pleading for signatures from you and you’re not even an RSW star! You’re a nuisance! And I don’t care how big you are, I don’t care how much you’ve won in your career, I care than while you are a guest of RSW you show some respect!

DBR-And from where I’m sitting in this conversation, you’re a complete and utter jackass… Now I’m going to give you about as long as it takes me to ball up my fist and smash your nose bone into your cheek to say your sorry!

Gavin Disc- Oh man, JAMES! He’s Not Kidding! Ladies and gentlemen, those of you unaware of this man please, look away. Something bad is about to happen to James Red!

James Red- My name is Gavin Disc!

Gavin Disc- WHAT! WHAT?

James Red- That’s Right TOUGH GUY! My name is Gavin Disc, and I’m saying on behalf of RSW, you’re insolence will not be tolerated! You can just sit down, shut up and watch the rest of the show like the rest of the audience!

DBR drops his marker and grabs James under the arms, picking him up like a small child he pulls him clear over the guard rail and stands him in the middle of the crowd of fans waving RSW merchandise at DBR to be signed. DBR grabs the microphone from James with ease and smiles another warm sincere smile as a young boy hands him his fallen marker and an old HcW brand DBR hooded sweatshirt. James tries to push his way through the flocking fans but is pushed back into the midst of them several times as DBR finishes signing the sweater and begins to speak.

DBR- Right where you are is where I miss being, where RSW has given me a chance to be, James Red! First off, don’t shit on my head and call it a hat, I’ll knock the stench right the hell off of your sad sorry carcass if you lie to me ever again. And so far as me signing fucking ANYTHING bearing an RSW logo on it… YOU JUST MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS! All you need to concern yourself with is exactly what you’re surrounded by. The same people who are holding you back right now are the same people who push me further and further along in this industry! Oh, and by the way… the very next time you try to pull something out of my hand by force.

Gavin Disc- Good, he does his homework… but, oh man… JAMES!

DBR grabs James Red by the throat and lifts him off the ground, looking up at him with red and black contact covered eyes, the windows to his soul tinted with violent intensions.


DBR tosses James and his microphone back into ringside, James lands first on his feet but falls on his ass due to a lack of balance. DBR glares at him, his red and black contacts hardly covering the rage in his eyes before he turns his kinder attention back to the clamoring fans around him. James quickly gets up and scurries back to the color commentary station. Where his partner Gavin Disc sits smirking to himself and holding back his laughter.

James Red- That man is demented!

Gavin Disc- You instigated it.

James Red- I did not!

Gavin Disc- Whatever… onto our next match!

James Red- Someone should call the police I want to press assault charges. He picked me up right by my neck! He could have broke my neck!

Gavin Disc- It still seems a lot lighter a punishment than the punching your nose bone in your cheek idea. And By the way, from my research I can surely say, if he wanted to break your neck you’d be on a stretcher right now with a neck brace on and paramedics would be wondering if you’ll ever walk again.

James Red- He wouldn’t have the guts!

Gavin Disc- I saw him in an old match from Japan. He used a nail gun to pin an opponent’s hands to the ring as he sat on the ring stairs… then after he’d be brutally crucified to the ring, DBR gave him a curb stomp onto steel steps. You just got out of a dangerous situation with a very scary man.

Final Segment for the Show

Gavin Disc- OH WOW! Krame versus the newcomer DBR!

James Red- Yeah but besides those fun facts of yours… Who the hell is this guy? He’s big but is he any good?

Gavin Disc- Size matters James! And at over seven feet tall I think DBR is going to make a lot of Matters Worse!

James Red- Krame looks pissed though. He doesn’t seem to be taking the news well at all.

Incensed at the atomic proclamation Bone Smasher just made, Krame nearly rips two handfuls of hair out of his head as the fans begin cheering wildly at the prospective match. Krame covers his ears, furious and frustrated to the point that his face begins to turn red.

Gavin Disc- He’s going crazy chameleon on us!

James Red- I sincerely hope he doesn’t try to take this out on Bone Smasher! With as accomplished an athlete as he is the general manager’s power goes beyond the business of this sport!

Krame glares at Bone Smasher with all the hatred in his heart and then looks over to DBR, being patted on the back by nearby spectators and raising his signature Devil Horn high sign that causes the typical severe reaction from the fans in the know.

Gavin Disc- There we see his signature high sign. And Krame does to.

Krame looks at the canvas in front of himself and something seems to over take him, his body slumps slightly. As if under some incredible depression he drops to his knees in the middle of the ring which makes what he does next all that much more unbelievable. Krame jumps straight up and hits the ground running towards the far side ropes and heading to new heights he steps to the top rope on the opposite side and spring boards himself into a Shooting Star Lay out Suicide Drop Kick directly into the audience with only DBR’s chest to break the fall led by Krame’s boots. DBR falls backwards, fans scatter from the mayhem and Krame gets up. Pulling fallen steel chairs off of DBR.

Gavin Disc- GOOD GOD!

James Red- THAT WAS AWESOME! That blind leap must have been over ten feet directly into the audience!

Gavin Disc- I can’t believe that! He just did a back flip dropkick into the crowd!

James Red- The good news and bad new for him now though are that he only hit the biggest man in the area. Mind you he needed to get knocked around in my opinion.

A crazed look in his eyes as he gather himself, Krame mercilessly pounds on DBR’s head with both closed fists flailing back and forth without any sign of fatigue. DBR pushes Krame away and stands up, obviously the much larger man in the conflict DBR looks as if he’s already been pushed beyond respectable behavior while Krame motions for him to come in for some more.

Gavin Disc- Krame has held his own so far, verily schooling the mammoth before him but that man is surely one of the most massive I’ve seen!

James Red- Thus far the largest man to insult the honor and integrity of our great company simply by joining Red Star Wrestling! And he doesn’t look like he wants to hug and make up right now!

Gavin Disc- Unless it’s a Bear Hug and Funeral Make-up!

James Red- Indeed Disc. He looks to be every shade of pissed off right now! As well a has-been should be when a True Athlete shows him up.

Though rare an occasion it is, DBR does as he is told and rushes Krame who grabs onto and uses the guard rail to rotate his body and vault his legs up around the seven foot monster’s neck then Krame lets go of the railing and drags DBR into the ring side area with a head scissors.

Gavin Disc-Oh! Impressive! Krame’s abilities in risking it all are bar none!

James Red- Krame is leaving the scene of this crime, but that behemoth is back on his feet Quick, someone call a Sasquatch hunter!!

Krame gets up and appears to walk away from DBR, passing the ring steps before he turns around to see DBR standing infuriated and ready for a fight. Krame runs full tilt and ascends the stairs, leaving the security of the stable ground for another high risk move that unfortunately backfires as DBR catches him in mid air and throws him like a rag doll at the outside of the ring ropes, which rebounds Krame directly into a vicious clothesline that nearly folds him in half as he lands awkwardly on the back of his head upon the mats outside the ring.

Gavin Disc- OH! OW! That’s raw power!

James Red- I think he just shit his pants! That was some sincerely impressive reflexes on the new comer’s end. But it does not in any way take away from the fact that an animal like him belongs in a Zoo, not a Ring.

Gavin Disc- That was incredible reaction time for a big man.

James Red- Indeed Disc. This is RSW though… Where the very Best take the Test! And Krame needs to get back to Schooling that fool!

DBR grabs Krame by the nape of the neck and pulls him to a vertical base just long enough to Irish whip him into the steel steps hard enough that the two part rigging separates landing scattered along with the abused but restless Krame who attempts nearly immediately to get back to his feet.

Gavin Disc- Somebody needs to stop this! They’re ripping each other and our arena apart!

James Red- They’re both showing signs of abuse but neither man is willing to quit here! Bone Smasher looks appalled at DBR’s actions. He should just negate his match and ban him from RSW!

Gavin Disc- But these fans are going directly the hell OFF the HOOK! And Bone Smasher looks expectedly upset, but I think both men fighting may be what is acting as his irritant right now.

James Red- I KNOW! I’ve never seen a reaction like this in my broadcast career!

DBR throws the devil horns sign into the air again, this time his warm honest smile has melted away into one more sadistic looking, satisfied with having become involved in a brawl like this. DBR turns his attention back towards Krame and begins stalking towards him.

Gavin Disc- It appears Krame isn’t going to get the luxury of DBR walking away…

James Red- Well win lose or draw he’s not an official member or competitor in RSW just yet so he has no reason to be back stage all he has here are the cloths on his back.

Krame grabs one piece of the steel stairs and raises them above his head, thrusting them at DBR as he closes in, but DBR’s leg length proves advantageous as he boots the steel steps back over Krame’s head landing them with a resonating clang against the ramp way and sending Krame off balance just long enough for DBR to send him skyward with a farewell that he accentuates with an impressive catch that drives Krame down onto the steel steps with a spine buster.


James Red- What the hell was that!? I’ve never seen anything like that! He just threw him up and then DAMN did he throw him down! This is not right! He isn’t even an official competitor in RSW yet!

Gavin Disc- Krame’s body got bent the wrong way on that one.

James Red- Bent? No it got damned well impact molded! He’d going to have a checker plate pattern on his back and head for the rest of his life! Someone needs to call animal control or a swat team or something to get this beast under control!

Krame’s body hangs motionless appendages dangling around the stairs at a vile angle his head resting upon a lower step, steady and secure until DBR curb stomps on Krame’s cranium and instinctively Krame’s body recoils away, rolling back away from DBR putting himself further up the ramp where he attempt a quick jump to his feet with lands him on all fours again to dazed to stand alone.

Gavin Disc-OH! Krame can’t keep taking assaults like that one or their match and his career will be over before our next card even airs!

James Red- He just stomped on a man’s head like he were putting out a smoke! That’s horrible!

Krame slowly gets to his feet as DBR stands there, still looking ready for a fight but obviously allowing Krame to stop it.

Gavin Disc- DBR is giving Krame a chance to back out of this and live to fight another day.

James Red- I hope Krame goes for it, with how he’s been acting lately, I’d doubt he’s backing down right now. There is some point to be proven here between these two that I don’t think we’re aware of yet.

It seems Krame does take the notion to stop the fight by running and delivering a daring diving dropkick to the stairs which flips them up and sends them crashing into DBR’s knees, DBR staggers back from the impact and falls to both knees long enough for Krame to once again use the steps as a leap point this time to implant both of his knees into the side of DBR’s jaw, snapping his head to the side and sending blood spewing from his mouth to land in smatterings on the ring apron and within the canvas of the ring.

Gavin Disc- GOOD GOD!

James Red- I KNOW! I think he’s DEAD! That has to be a broken jaw right there! Good! Good! Get him!

Krame grabs DBR’s wrist and kicks the steps down flat again, pulling DBR’s torso across the steps. Krame walks away and waits near the railing, with Bone Smasher screaming at him for this to stop at the top of the ramp.

Gavin Disc- Bone Smasher wants this to stop…

James Red- But Krame isn’t easing up any! What’s he doing though?

Gavin Disc- Waiting for something…

James Red- Something wicked! Get that newbie bitch, Krame! Get him!

Krame turns to Bone Smasher giving him the one finger salute as DBR rises from the steel stairs. Krame takes his chance and bounds into action jumping up on and doing a cat walk run down several feet of guard rail, leaping off in time to nearly decapitate the much larger man with a guillotine leg drop that leaves them both downed near the ring.

Gavin Disc-OH MAN!

James Red- NOW he has to have a broken jaw! That was Entirely Intense! But here comes the buzz kill! Quick Krame, Boot him in the ribs before they get you!

By this point Bone Smasher has seen quite enough and has gotten near by sound technicians to contact the security team that hurry towards the human wreckage in a team of six. Two detain Krame before he even gets to his feet, handcuffing him and taking him back up the ramp as the other four attend to DBR, who rises up off the steps, blood rushing from his face as he shakes off the dazed haze of anguish and glares up the ramp at his unprovoked attacker. Bone Smasher, despite having attention aimed at brandishing Krame’s actions as entirely petty, selfish and thoughtless he still has enough where with all to notice DBR turning down the four guard’s help, and when they see him take a staggered step the four of them grab him, which finds one a bloody head butt, another a face full of ring post and the other two holding his arms both get pulled across into each man being grabbed by the nuts with the arm the other man is holding, and this eases their grips enough that DBR rips his arm free of both men’s grasp and slams them into each other head first. Bone Smasher’s eyes widen in disbelief, what he and an entire audience just witnessed should have ended this evening, but DBR looks to be the furthest thing from done.

Gavin Disc- This guy is Unstoppable! He’s a tattooed freight train!

James Red- Holy crap, and his jaw isn’t broke either! What does it take to stop this freak of nature!?

DBR runs up the ramp full tilt as blood drips from his face DBR takes a handcuffed Krame off his feet with a high impact spear delivered so hard they rush past Bone Smasher and the Security guards both men landing hard and nearly go through the entrance way curtain. Bone Smasher and the guards all look just as blown away as the now nuclear audience erupts in a procession of cheers.


James Red- Which? When Krame hit the ground because he was blatantly blindsided by that unholy animal DBR? Or the stupid fans that drowned it out with cheers!?

Gavin Disc- Both!

James Red- This audience is losing control! And so is Bone Smasher!

DBR begins to rise again pulling Krame by the hair with him as he does, the security guard both attempt to break it up by pulling DBR back but it’s Krame that dispatches them with a split leg back flip kick connecting with the underside of each man’s jaw. Krame, dazed and abused falls back on his ass still handcuffed.

Gavin Disc- What do you call that?

James Red- Spectacular in any country! Now get that big contact wearing sick fuck, Krame! Head butt him to hell and back!

Unconscious before they hit the ground, the security guards fall backwards on either side of DBR who simply rewards Krame’s efforts by ripping him off the ground and putting him, across his shoulders.

Gavin Disc- Krame looks not unlike a small child across this man’s shoulders! But like the old saying goes… mess with the Bull and you get the Horns. And DBR is surely a Bull of a Man.

James Red- DBR is definitely a walking monolith! But Krame has hung in there with a man that much bigger! DBR deserved that freelance ass kicking! Now he’s being a poor sport and he’s about to harm a handcuffed man! He’s not a Bull of a man, he’s a man made of BULL!

DBR makes his way to the edge of the stage and looks down at the exposed concrete below, He dead lifts Krame off his shoulders sending him hurtling up into a variation of the Burning Hammer but as he descends Krame is able to catch DBR’s arm in the fray and as Krame topples to the ground on his head, DBR is pulled by the kinetic force in such a way that he himself is arm dragged across the gap upside down into the guard railing. Bone Smasher now has had more than enough and runs over to survey the carnage as both men lay prone and motionless.

Bone Smasher: THAT’S IT! It’s now Krame VERSUS DBR – No Holds BARRED! Falls Count ANYWHERE ON THE PROPERTY! And unlike this disgusting display of unprofessional conduct… THERE HAS TO BE A WINNER! We need some paramedics out there to clean this up…

Gavin Disc- NO WAY!

James Red- They’ll kill each other on national television!

Gavin Disc- Then I guess we had all get ready for the funerals, Because BONE SMASHER HAS MADE IT SO!

James Red- I can’t believe all this! Insanity! Athleticism! AND VIOLENCE! And now we’ve seen our general Manager’s Reactionary Catalytic Endorsement of it all! I LOVE RSW!