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Island Fantasies

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About Us

Kody Impson and his fiancé Brandi Adams

Kody Impson is one the world's most renown realtors seeking only the finest islands available to sell. He is soon to be married to Brandi Adams both of Chickasha, Oklahoma

(Click on picture to open Resume)


Nate Rudek and his fiancé Hannah Brown

Nate Rudek joined the team four years ago when Kody met him in the rain forest of the Amazon. He is soon to be married to Hannah Brown and will reside in Arizona.

(Click on picture to open Resume)


Sarah Gile

Sarah Gile is one of the top realtors in the world known for getting her clients the best deals on earth no matter where it is.

(Click on picture to open Resume)


Webmaster: Kody Impson, Sarah Gile, Nate Rudek

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