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Free ID's For Ms Hayes' AP US Class (Take Two)

Okay, so I lost the password to the first website... but I'm trying again now. I guess Mrs Hayes' class didn't make me as smart as one would hope...

Hey, kids! Are you a junior at Williams this year, suffering through Ms Hayes' AP US History class? I know, you're probably saying to yourselves, "Gee, this class would be such a breeze if those darn ID's were all in one place!" Well, guess what! I've posted all of mine online--rest assured, I have all the information you'll need to know to get a 100.

Why did I do it? After all, I had to flip through one of those enormo Visions books to find these! Why make it easy on you kids? Well, maybe I'm just nice like that. Yeah, okay, that's pretty much all it is. I just felt like it. So, happy "learning"!

If you happen to notice that some are missing, fear not! It's a work in progress, but I'm sure it'll be done long before you need it.

My Only Rules:

ID's As Sorted by Unit

Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
