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PKDA2001: Java - mlisp

under construction, const plans, notes, soonest, etc.... meanwhile - Mother Sivilius hae shewn us the whey?

Java: Langs: Lisp

On this page: {Intro} {Ideas, Creations, Thoughts, ...} (dis-cardced, and mis-used), ... {} {Links}


Ideas, Creations, Thoughts, ...

(dis-cardced, and mis-used), ...
} When Professor Allen was trying to create Lisp (List Processing) as a language, it was to address the short-comings of Fortran, Algol and Cobol (as they stood then). So, the creation of "mlisp" (multi-lisp) is prompted by the same sorts of short-come-ings.... 1) Lisp, Snobol, (and indeed Fortran, Cobol, PL/I) suffer from over-complexity.