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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)
crochet mouse Woven Stitch crochet mouse

Woven Stitch
Woven Stitch thumbnail

Base Rows:
Rows 1 and 2:  BAS

Pattern Rows
Row 1 (even-numbered rows):  
     Step 1:  Insert hook between first two vertical bars.
     Step 2: YO, draw yarn through st (1 woven stitch made).
     Step 3:  Work 1 woven stitch between each stitch across to within the last 2 vertical bars.  Insert hook between the last two vertical bars, draw up a loop.
     Step 4:  Work off loops same as the BAS.

Row 2 (odd-numbered rows):  
     Step 1:  Do NOT work Woven stitch between first 2 vertical bars, INSTEAD work 1 woven stitch between the 2nd and 3rd vertical bars.
     Step 2:  Work 1 Woven stitch between each stitch across to within the last stitch. Insert hook between the 2nd to last and the last vertical bar, draw up loop.
     Step 3:  Work off loops same as BAS.

Repeat 1st & 2nd rows for pattern.

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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)