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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)
crochet mouse Corded Stitch crochet mouse

Corded Stitch
Corded Stitch thumbnail
Any number of sts.
(Same as base chain.)

Base Row:
Row 1:  BAS.
Row 2:  BAS.

Pattern Row:
Row 1:  Using B, skip first st, *insert hook into next st as for Afghan Knit St (k), YO, draw loop though, YO, draw through 1 loop; rep from * to end including edge st.

Row 2:  BAS.

Rows 3 & 4:  Using C, rep PATTERN rows 1 and 2.

Row 5 & 6:  Using A, rep PATTERN rows 1 and 2.

Rep PATTERN rows 1-6 for pattern.

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(Please know that I do not endorse the's just something one must endure to keep the world "free" LOL)