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Back to School
Saturday, 29 July 2006
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Back to School
I can't believe Summer Break is almost over. I don't want to go back to school. My dad said school is my job and i'm like well ya if school was my job than i would have quit by now.
I am not even ready for school. I mean i'm not even going to my orientation nor have i got my school supplies and plus i'm going to Florida for a week and coming back 3 days before school starts. Ya i guess seeing my friends again would be awesome but my best friend completely forgot about me during summer break and my other best friend keeps in touch sometimes.
This girl named Stephanie she's like 12 and she has a boyfriend named Tyler. You're probably saying who gives a crap. Well she's going out with a 17 year old. I haven't met him but yes i Have talked to him. He seems nice but you don't really know a person until you've met them in person. He got kicked out of school for missing 16 days. I didn't even know you can get kicked out for that.
Anyways i'm bored of typing. YES i am very lazy. so Cheerio.

Posted by planet/hesitation at 11:33 PM CDT
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