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Home > Heritage > Kantarodai

Kantarodai (Kadurugoda Viharaya)

A site situated in the Jaffna Peninsula of 60 stupas, parts of Buddha statues, several Kot kerali and Satareskotu and the remains of a Vatadage. Kantarodai was discovered in 1919. The remains of Arahants are believed to be enshrined here. Tiles found in 1917 and in 1967 are similar to those found in Anuradhapura and Tissamaharamaya and have been dated to the beginning of the Christian era.

Kantarodai in Chunnakam has been identified as the Kadurugoda Viharaya in the Nam Pota, a book of important Buddhist centers in Sri Lanka, compiled in the Kandyan period.

Source :http://www.beyondthenet.net/Saddha/kantarodai.html

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Home > Heritage > Kantarodai

Updated March 24, 2007
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