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~~~ † ~~~ WELCOME ~~~ † ~~~

April 24, 2006 -Monday
Isaiah 52:1-12-Ésaïe 52:1-12

Isaiah 52:1-12- Jerusalem, wake up! Stand up and be strong. Holy city of Zion, dress in your best clothes. Those foreigners who ruined your sacred city won't bother you again. Zion, rise from the dirt! Free yourself from the rope around your neck.The LORD says:My people, you were sold, but not for money; now you will be set free, but not for a payment. Long ago you went to Egypt where you lived as foreigners. Then Assyria was cruel to you, and now another nation has taken you prisoner for no reason at all. Your leaders groan with pain, and day after day my own name is cursed. My people, you will learn who I am and who is speaking because I am here.What a beautiful sight! On the mountains a messenger announces to Jerusalem, "Good news! You're saved. There will be peace. Your God is now King." Everyone on guard duty, sing and celebrate! Look! You can see the LORD returning to Zion. Jerusalem, rise from the ruins! Join in the singing. The LORD has given comfort to his people; he comes to your rescue. The LORD has shown all nations his mighty strength; now everyone will see the saving power of our God. Leave the city of Babylon! Don't touch anything filthy. Wash yourselves. Be ready to carry back everything sacred that belongs to the LORD. You won't need to run. No one is chasing you. The LORD God of Israel will lead and protect you from enemy attacks.

Ésaïe 52:1-12 (Louis Segond) 1 -Réveille-toi! réveille-toi! revêts ta parure, Sion! Revêts tes habits de fête, Jérusalem, ville sainte! Car il n'entrera plus chez toi ni incirconcis ni impur.2 -Secoue ta poussière, lève-toi, Mets-toi sur ton séant, Jérusalem! Détache les liens de ton cou,Captive, fille de Sion! 3 -Car ainsi parle l'Éternel: C'est gratuitement que vous avez été vendus, Et ce n'est pas à prix d'argent que vousserez rachetés. 4 -Car ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Éternel: Jadis mon peuple descendit en Égypte, pour y séjourner; Puis l'Assyrien l'opprima sans cause. 5 -Et maintenant, qu'ai-je à faire, dit l'Éternel, Quand mon peuple a été gratuitement enlevé? Ses tyrans poussent des cris, dit l'Éternel, Et toute la durée du jour mon nom est outragé. 6 -C'est pourquoi mon peuple connaîtra mon nom; C'est pourquoi il saura, en ce jour, Que c'est moi qui parle: me voici! 7 -Qu'ils sont beaux sur les montagnes, Les pieds de celui qui apporte de bonnes nouvelles, Qui publie la paix! De celui qui apporte de bonnes nouvelles, Qui publie le salut! De celui qui dit à Sion: ton Dieu règne! 8 -La voix de tes sentinelles retentit; Elles élèvent la voix, Elles poussent ensemble des cris d'allégresse; Car de leurs propres yeux elles voient Que l'Éternel ramène Sion. 9 -Éclatez ensemble en cris de joie, Ruines de Jérusalem! Car l'Éternel console son peuple, Il rachète Jérusalem. 10 -L'Éternel découvre le bras de sa sainteté, Aux yeux de toutes les nations; Et toutes les extrémités de la terre verront Le salut de notre Dieu. 11 -Partez, partez, sortez de là! Ne touchez rien d'impur! Sortez du milieu d'elle! Purifiez-vous, vous qui portez les vases de l'Éternel! 12 -Ne sortez pas avec précipitation, Ne partez pas en fuyant; Car l'Éternel ira devant vous, Et le Dieu d'Israël fermera votre marche.


Words and music by Annie McRae
-Daywind Music Publishing

(Verse 1)
Who was your shelter through the wind and the rain
Who kept you safe at the enemy's gate
Who was your shield on the firing line
Who gave you victory - who turned the tide

If it had not been the Lord
Who was on your side
When the world rose against you
When the tide rose high
When the battle was lost
And we drowned in the dark
We would be in despair
If it had not been the Lord

(Verse 2)
Who was your help when all your friends had gone
Who stood by your side - never left you alone
Who healed your body - who spoke to your storm
Who made a way out of a dead end road
(Repeat Chorus)

If it had not been for mercy
If it had not been for grace
If it had not been for the One who took your place
If it had not been for power
If it had not been for love
If it had not been for Jesus and His precious blood
(Repeat Chorus)

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God Bless you!!