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Welcome To Hearts-To-Hearts Opened Aug 23, 2005

Links for Our Room

Our Photo Album
Our Announcements
Jesters Corner
Poetry Corner
Our Cook Book
Our Prides and Joys Grandkids
Our Familys
Our Dictionary for Internet Slang
Download and Join us in chat
Web Site for Webtv access

Thank you for visiting Hearts to Hearts we are a Family room with a simple list of rules.. Listed below are the Rules for our lil home. Rule 1 no advertising of other rooms please, Rule 2 no matter what we are saying we ALWAYS ALWAYS say hello to people as they come in, Rule 3 all guests are welcome at all times, BUT if a man or lady keeps hitting on some-one in the room we will ask them to leave, Rule 4 we are a happy bunch please please lets keep it this way, Rule 5 pls no swearing at any time! Rule 6 pls ask before whispering in the room including the ops, Rule 7 pls no flooding in the room, Rule 8 if you are away from the room pls say afk or simply take your nick away, Rule 9 if you leave your nick in the room without speaking for more than 5 minutes YOU WILL BE KICKED!! Rule 10 no ABUSIVE behaviour aloud of anykind!!!! Our room is on StarChat random server for irc it is irc.StarChat.Net Port 6667, room #hearts-to-hearts we have a webtv address which has been Posted...... We are still buliding and growing so Please bear with us during this time, for we hope the growing will never stop.. this is a room for fun and games and a good time for all so Please come by the room and enjoy a nice long talk and for friendly fun... Please come back and see our site again as it grows slowly so we hope you will visit again! Staff of Hearts-to-Hearts<bgsound src="Over_The_Rainbow.mid" loop=infinite>