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Original HBK Site




The King's Myspace


Kelly's Quotes






Welcome to the Hazlet Burger King web page


Let me start off by telling you why I decided to build this site. One day, because I have no life, I was searching for Hazlet BK on and I stumbled upon a small site, which had apparently died down many years before, and apparently someone who is still working at BK till this day ran it. But anyway since I saw that site and read what it was all about I decided it would be a great idea to build a new site in memory of BK employees come and gone or still remaining.


To the left you will find a link to the original HBK site and learn about some interesting things that went on before most of our own wacky employees came to be.


By clicking the BK logo in the top left corner of every page will bring you back to this page.


Also don’t forget to check the King’s very own Myspace.


Caution: this site is under major construction and what you see if probably not what you will end up with.
Email me with your suggestion on what you think there should be on the HBK: