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NEWSLETTER No.1: WINTER early 1999

Microsoft could be dismantled
A startling headline on page 19 in The Guardian for Tuesday February, 16th, '99. The gist of the story is that the US Justice Department, and 19 states, have opened discussions to further their plan to break-up Microsoft. Apparently they feel increasingly confident about winning their landmark anti-trust battle against Microsoft. Well, you'll have to wait for our Spring Newsletter to see if things happen.
"Windows 2000 due late 99 - Maybe!" ran the inverse headline in the magazine Micromart on February, 18th on page 165. They said that Beta 3 of Windows 2000 will not reach the testers until April this spring. They report that a corporate spokeswoman said "We are still expecting to get it out before year-end".

Members organise meeting Following the meeting on the 9th February, 1999 a further meeting in the club took place in Haynes on the 16th February when the members present expressed their wishes for the future of the club.

Terry Cook who had, since inception, ensured the club's finances ran smoothly and Alan Wiseman, who tended to do the promotions over the previous years, occupied the table and both addressed the members present on the issues for which the second meeting had been convened. See notice overleaf.

The members present decided to have a regular meeting about once a month. The next meeting was agreed to be at the Mission Hall, in Haynes, on the 16th March and this will take place at 8 p.m.

The wish was expressed that whilst these meetings, to reflect on achievements and to plan policy, were vital it was necessary to avoid interrupting the club's purpose which is to perform (and teach) the making, upgrading and repairing of computers of the members as well as to teach software usage. To this end it was resolved that when meetings did take place they should not start before 8 p.m. & should end by 9 p.m.

This guideline would also apply to any speakers who might address the club. They would speak on the announced subject for 20 to 30 minutes leaving the members present the balance of about 25 minutes for questions. Just before 9 p.m. the Acting Chairman would then conclude that part of the meeting in the customary fashion and the club would then return to its traditional format.

Methods of promoting the club with a view to expanding its membership base were discussed at length and Alan Wiseman outlined a plan to obtain, and also man, a stand at various computer fairs. The meeting heard that 4 or 5 venues had been considered. That would mean attending each venue once per year.

Various documents were examined and offers to help with production would mean we could commence printing to ensure adequate supplies existed in order to start as soon as possible.

Which Fair was to be chosen for our first venue would be decided at the next meeting as would be the rota for manning.

Terry then outlined the financial situation and explained how the club was funded outlining our options.

Alan then advised the members present that the next meeting would need to terminate the de facto acting positions and formalise the positions of Treasurer, Secretary and Promotions' Officer. They would need to elect a Chairman in the near future!

The meeting closed at about 8.20 p.m.


There will be a meeting of the Club at 8 p.m. on Tuesday 16th March, 1999 at the Mission Hall in Haynes, Bedfordshire when all members are invited to attend. The following Agenda will occur.

1. The meeting will be opened by Terry Cook as Acting Secretary who will receive apologies for any absences.

2. The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th February will be read and signed after approval by those who were present at that meeting after any matters arising therefrom have been dealt with.
3. Members will be asked to decide on the format of future meetings and what objectives the meeting should have and discuss.

4. Terry Wood will give a report on the finances as Acting Treasurer.

5. The meeting will discuss the election of officers and what format they wish to adopt in this matter now and in the future.

6. Alan Wiseman will give a report on the progress towards the manning of the stand and seek approval for a date to commence.

7. Any other business.

8. The meeting will be formally closed (hopefully before 9 p.m.)

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