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My Bat Cave

My Places

My Website
My Myspace Profile
Bat Cave Monitor Room
My Yahoo 360

Welcome to my bat cave. ^-^. This is where I get lazy and don't do tricky HTML or CSS and just post content like a normal web designer wannabe. I'm not much myself, but I do try in life. I spend a ton of time watching films, because I love them, and I write screenplays whenever I get that wonderful "idea". I like to make simple webpages with loads of info, and I love to blog. Social networking sites are da bomb, and I love Myspace to death. I'm single and looking somewhat, but gay guys within a short enough distance are hard for me to find for some reason.

I don't drive because I prefer not to pollute, (actually, I just can't drive worth a hoot), and I love to walk to palces provided I know where I'm going. I'll be going to Western Kentucky University soon, so until then I'm waisting all of my time on the net.

I doubt you'll get much from this place, but you never know what I'll put up, so yeah, enjoy.

The things I love...
