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Builds For Ur Guilds

Hi im Reigh On Guild Wars You'll Know Me As Viva La Death Girl. This Is A Site For Builds To Use During GvGs Oh And i Know How To Beat Every Build So Dont even Use Them Against Me
by the way if u have a great GvG guild just add me as an officer and you will be unbeatable with me leading my builds Image Hosted by build 1 mesmer build: ok the mesmer build is simple it has alot of spellcasting involved so make sure u all have something to heal urself ok u will need 3 mesmer one with illusion magic and the other two something besides illusion (hint: U should make a rp char and get 7 spells and go to ascalon arena and unlock them all and then make a pvp char) u will also need 3 monks 2 heal 1 protect and last but not least 1 pyro ele and 1 minion factory .
Image Hosted by Build 2 : Ele build , the ele build is simple 5 eles one of each type (water,pyro,earth,etc) 2 healers and a minion master
Image Hosted by build 3 necro build : ok this is usually Iway but slightly different have everyone necro / monk and make them make a kagillion minions and just wait for the enemy to come
Image Hosted by ok this is the grand master Build: 2 eles 2 monks 1 war 1 nec 1 ranger 1 mesmer if this happenes make shure u know what the fuck ur doing or u will be owned so badly oh and if u cant find 2 monks use 2 paladins kk this usually always wins PvPs