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This site was designed by GS059 and The Bear in order to give you the Halo tips and advice that can only come from countless hours of experience. By no means is this site a comprehensive guide for everything in the Halo universe, but if you need to know which gun to carry on Beaver (Battle) Creek, or where the Rocket Launcher is on Sidewinder, this is the website for you. But that's not all! On this site you will find a guide to online edicate guaranteed to prevent your account from getting banned, as well as a list of useful links to other Halo-related websites. If you can't find the information you need here, you're almost guaranteed to find it via the "Links" section.

Also, below is a list of updates.

Updates on 1-20-06
A jumping grunt
  • Home page now shows updates.
  • Added an "About the Developers" page.
  • Made an about 059 page
  • Fixed many misspelled words
  • Fixed problem with the h2 banshee showing up as a brute shot
  • Fixed images so they match background
  • fixed header images so they show up in center
Still woking on:
  • Contact page

developer of this page

If you find any errors on this page, email the developers at • All images are property of Bungie.

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